
What you said about Labor’s hopes at the Qld state elections after by-election loss

It’s already been labelled a slow political death march, so what does the future hold for Labor and Steven Miles? HAVE YOUR SAY

‘Labor is absolutely toast’: Liberals receive ‘massive swing’ in Queensland

Labor has been smashed and humiliated in its heartland in a by-election nightmare - and worse could be on the way.

That’s the view of many Queenslanders, with readers piling on the pain following a humbling defeat that promises to repeat the Bligh-level defeat.

Queenslanders are advancing on every one of Labor’s now 51 MPs with baseball bats and the government has few quick solutions to stop them.

Ipswich West is almost certain to fall and Labor insiders were on Saturday night likening it to the brutal message sent to Campbell Newman in 2015, labelling it the first nail in the government’s coffin.

By-elections often hurt the government and while Premier Steven Miles laid the groundwork in an attempt to soften the blow of losing the seat – he would be spooked by such a devastating swing in Labor’s backyard.

News of the looming defeat sparked furiour reactions from readers.

Some said Labor is now on a slow death march at the state elections.

Others claimed the die had been cast long ago.

Read the comments below and join the conversation >>>


Labor’s slow death


Look on the bright side: the next seven months will be rolling announcements of infrastructure, olypmics sites and grants and subsidies for “cost of living”.


Anyone else note Albanese was Mia? Apparently a marriage takes precedent over community concerns. Come October Labor in Qld will be shown the door then 6 months later the same will happen to our tone deaf federal government

Foul Quince

if there’s one thing that the Council election in Brisbane has shown us, it is that a vote for Labor at the forthcoming State election will be a vote for The Greens - because Miles can’t survive without them.


Typical Labor -

promise everything

deliver nothing

blame someone else.

The voting heartland can only be fooled a few times with this game and now it’s game over for Labor.

About time!

Kaye Ann

Labour, the people of Qld are finally waking up to your incompetence.

You dangle carrots like cost of living relief and more cops on the beat thinking we are stupid enough to fall for more fake ‘promises’.

These issues should have been addressed long ago not just before and election.


It’s never healthy for any party to remain in office too long. For many reasons. The biggest enemy to the LNP is complacency and becoming outrageous favourites.


Don’t stop here; continue to give Labor the message up to and including October or you will drive this State into a complete disaster like Victoria, the State of DEBT!


Miles can say whatever he likes in the next seven months. Voters will judge him on what Labor has done, not on what he tells us it will do.

Voters don’t trust Labor any more and not even his taxpayer funded propaganda unit can save him.

Not sure


Despite the constant publicity, youth crime is down and has been decreasing for over a decade. But facts apparently don’t matter


If people vote on promises, Labor is in for a chance at the next election. However, if people consider past promises and subsequent achievements, Labor will be out the door.


Will be interesting to see if these swings against Labour will translate Federally. If it did even the Treasurer would be at risk. But you watch the next Federal and State budgets, they will be full of empty promises, after promises


BOTH Labor ..and LNP, are ..NOW, ..ON NOTICE..!! Queenslanders are heartily, ..fed-up, with the same-old, same-old, ..DUOPOLY, of not only their ..Supermarkets, ..ignoring them, BUT ALSO, their ..ALP, and LNP, ..POLITICIANS, AS WELL..!!

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