
What you said about David Crisafulli and his hopes to be Qld Premier

The race to be Qld Premier could come down to a lot … or nothing at all, according to many. HAVE YOUR SAY

Queensland Premier predicts opposition win for next state election

Can David Crisafulli emerge from the shadows to become Queensland’s next Premier, or can he simply fall over the line?

Those are some of the questions being posed by readers across the state amid calls for the LNP leader to stand up and show us what his vision is.

As sitting Premier Steven Miles lurches from one drama to another, he has at least been praised for positive intent – whether it’s off the mark or not.

Mr Crisafulli, however, has been viewed as taking back seat on issues and instead adopting the Steven Bradbury approach to October’s state elections.

“It is very transparent and somewhat cynical, but at least Premier Steven Miles is actively trying to show he understands what Queenslanders are worried about – fronting up to a parliamentary inquiry to personally grill supermarket bosses, and being prepared to sensationally call for a cut in migration,” The Courier-Mail editorial pointed out this week.

“The Opposition is at the same time embroiled in a factional brawl within its state executive, and has been talking about renaming Cross River Rail in honour of Britain’s late Queen Elizabeth II – two issues that are certainly not top priority for the voters of Queensland.

“Now, Opposition Leader David Crisafulli has been disciplined and workmanlike in saying he is focused on the issues that matter: Crime, housing, health and cost of living.

“But pointing out the incumbent’s very real failures on these issues is one thing. What matters far more is explaining his party’s solutions to Queenslanders – and on that we are looking for far more from the man who could soon be premier.”

That approach has drawn mixed reviews from readers, some of whom claimed he is not leadership material.

Others, though, said he may only need to stay out of harm’s way to win the job.

See what you had to say below and join the conversation >>>


He’s going OK


Keep your powder dry for the time being LNP and make sure your alternative policies are right, however the opposition leader needs to get a bit more mo feel in him and serve it up to Labor at every opportunity!


My vote is Crisafuli’s to lose. After supporting a State Treaty, and other woke issues, the LNP leader is proving to be Labor Lite. One Nation is looking appealing.

Saying It As It Is

Come on Mr Crisafulli. You have my vote but don’t let me down.

Time for Labor to go


Qld Labour absolutely has to go. However does the Coalition have a meaningful plan. Labour has dumped us into such a massive mess in all ministries and broke to boot. Will we have the patience to have someone dig us out.? It will take a lot of time and tough decisions. My sense is no.


If Queenslanders put this Labor govt back in they deserve everything they get.

Is our state being taken over by all the southerners looking for sunshine.


Every time he announces a policy Miles pinches it and passes it off as his own. Why should he announce more this far out. When the election is officially called is soon enough.

Premier Steven Miles.
Premier Steven Miles.

No thanks, LNP

I’m Left, but I’m Always Right.

When all we hear in the media is “Labor bad, Liberal good” over and over and over, the voter actually believes it. Once the Libs have been elected they fail again, that’s why we have wall to wall Labor in this country. The Liberals have always failed state and federally and usually lie about everything. Good luck folks.

The Fred

Time to face the reality that he does not have what it takes for such a challenging job, the cost of finding out could be horrendous for everyone


Crisafulli step up? I think we’ve seen the best he can deliver, ie righteous indignation performances. I wish the LNP has realised sooner, much sooner, that Labor would be on the nose by 2024 and sourced competent leadership to take it an election win. Hopefully it will offer candidates with leadership potential to replace him during the term.

Crisafulli is a dud.


Saying he is going to be tough on crime isn’t good enough. We need mandatory lengthy minimum sentences, refusal of bail for repeat offenders and parole only in exceptional circumstances.

Opposition leader David Crisafulli. Picture: Nigel Hallett
Opposition leader David Crisafulli. Picture: Nigel Hallett

It’s all a mess


Pauline Hanson seems to be the only politician talking any sense about the complete and utter stupidity of massive immigration, the Brisvagus Olympic Games and the mega billions being wasted on useless, unreliable, foreign owned renewable energy projects.


They having nothing of any benefit to offer. What is there are a time that has passed. The cuts will be their usual city vs. country based.


No net zero. Say those words and you will win convincingly.


I agree. Bring on the election now. We can hear what each side is promising to do. They should hold a public, televised debate. Questions from the public must be allowed. No point in waiting any longer.

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