

Opinion: Multiculturalism’s ugly underbelly has been exposed

Australia is now sleepwalking its way towards a dangerous state of disruption and division, writes Mike O’Connor.

Sheik Wasam Charkawi
Sheik Wasam Charkawi

It should now be obvious to anyone with an IQ exceeding their shoe size that the nation is sleepwalking its way towards a dangerous state of disruption and division.

We now have teachers at a Sydney state high school leading students in chants of “Allahu Akbar” and waving Palestinian flags in support of school staff member Sheik Wasam Charkawi.

Charkawi was confined to working from home after he defended the actions of two nurses who allegedly claimed to have killed Israeli patients and refused to treat them.

While this was playing out, ASIO director-general Mike Burgess was saying that the anti-Semitism incidents occurring now represented threats to life.

Asked if ASIO had ever witnessed such threats before, he said, “I don’t believe we’ve done that in our history.

“When that goes unchecked in society, that may well create an environment where it gives violence more permission.”

Elsewhere, Senator Fatima Payman, who bailed from the Labor Party and now sits as an Independent, told a television interviewer that Iran was an “incredible” place for women.

Following an uproar, she admitted that in fact she had never been to Iran and withdrew her remarks.

Senator Fatima Payman
Senator Fatima Payman

For the record the Muslim Iranian government has drawn up but not yet enacted the Law on Protecting the Family through the Promotion of the Culture of Chastity and Hija, which permits the death penalty for demonstrating against compulsory veiling laws as well as imposing flogging, fines, prison sentences, travel bans and restrictions on education and employment for women and girls who defy compulsory veiling laws while providing immunity to anyone who physically attacks a woman for not being veiled.

An incredible place for women, to be sure.

Speaking at the same event, as Senator Payman was the founder of the Islamic Friendship Association Keysar Trad who claimed that Palestinian men and women were being raped and tortured in Israeli prisons while offering no evidence to support this.

Mr Trad has a benevolent view of violence towards women, having said previously that men should only hit them as a “last resort.” Nice to know.

Senator Lidia Thorpe, ex-Greens and now another independent has never been to Iran but I’m sure that there are a lot of people who would happily pay her one-way fare to go there.

Speaking at a Queensland University of Technology function she revealed her plans to “f*** the colony” and take over privately owned land and “put the flag in.” In the same address, Thorpe said she hated attending parliament but did it for her ancestors – and just maybe for the $233,660 yearly pay check.

Forget the rule of law and the property rights of the 97 per cent of the population that is non-Indigenous. Just put the flag in and occupy the land.

According to prominent Muslim Sheik Ibrahim Dadoun, it is possible that the wave of violent anti-Semitism occurring in Australia is being sponsored by the Israeli intelligence agency Mossad.

Sheik Ibrahim Dadoun
Sheik Ibrahim Dadoun

“When will the ASIO boss tell Australians if Mossad had anything to do with the wave of manufactured anti-Semitic attacks conducted by known criminals?” he asked.

Following the Hamas massacre of Israelis on October 7, 2023, Sheik Dadoun said he was “smiling” and “elated”, describing the murders of men, women and children as “a day of victory”.

He is an imam of the United Muslims of Australia, which received $3m in federal funding last year. All this and more points to the presence of groups of people in this country who have no interest in our common good and who have brought with them the hatreds and prejudices of those places from which they came.

Multiculturalism for them is a joke. The Australian ethos of a fair go for all, pride in our country, old-fashioned patriotism and sense of togetherness is nowhere to be seen in these groups, being replaced by tribalism with its narrow mindset and a disregard for others that is now spreading like a plague among us.

While the fabric of the nation is being pulled apart thread by thread, the government is losing effective control of our borders. The boats may no longer come but the aircraft do, with each month about 1000 asylum seekers who are unsuccessful in their appeals at the Administrative Review Tribunal failing to leave the country.

More than 82,000 people are currently contesting migration and protection visa refusals with the tribunal, the highest on record. We need to wake up before it’s too late.

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