
Letters: Relocate dingoes from Fraser Island for visitor safety

Today readers have their say on the latest dingo attack on Fraser Island and the anti-Adani convoy to central Queensland.

A dingo on Fraser Island. Photo Lachie Millard
A dingo on Fraser Island. Photo Lachie Millard

IT IS about time the dingoes on Fraser Island were relocated to the mainland.

If visitors to the island are not safe, even in camper trailers, where are they going to be safe?

The island is for visitors to experience the wonders of such a unique place on our coast, not to be hunted down.

The latest incident, where two dingoes entered a camper trailer while the occupants were asleep, is outrageous.

The child who was attacked could very well have been killed.

It just goes to show how distressed Lindy Chamberlain was at the time her baby was taken.

This should be a warning to the State Government that it must act now and urgently.

The safety of visitors must be paramount.

Sam Williamson, Bargara

ANOTHER attack by a dingo.

When is common sense going to take over?

Put the dingoes in a fenced area, and if people really want to see these animals, let them be viewed safely.

You don’t go into wild animal cages at zoos.

J. French, Hervey Bay


The Stop Adani convoy begins on the road to the Adani coal mine development site in Queensland. Picture: Matt Thompson
The Stop Adani convoy begins on the road to the Adani coal mine development site in Queensland. Picture: Matt Thompson


A FARRAGO of lies perfectly describes Bob Brown’s ill-informed rant (Letters, Apr 18) against coal and your columnist Renee Viellaris.

At issue are emissions of carbon dioxide, a colourless, harmless, trace gas essential to all life on Earth.

It has no role to play in floods, fires, droughts, melting glaciers, icecaps and coastal erosion.

Renewable energy is good for off-grid farms and touring grey nomads, but it does no good after dark, and it will not help the billions of people in India and Africa who still cook with dung fires, cannot study at night and cannot refrigerate their food and medicines.

Brown also forgets that production of solar panels and wind turbines also emits carbon dioxide.

The anti-Adani activists’ convoy to central Queensland is a waste of time and resources, and all Queenslanders should be protesting at these green hypocrites telling us we do not deserve a well-paying job and must forever live in a cave.

Geoff Derrick, Sherwood

BOB Brown’s anti-coal diatribe in response to Renee Viellaris’s excellent column was predictable.

Perhaps what we are seeing is simply part of a natural cycle of climate changes which have been happening since the Earth was created.

The difference this time is that scientists and some large multinationals have found a way to make money out of it.

Phillip Scuderi, Ayr

HOW heartening it is to read that the townsfolk of Clermont, already struggling under drought conditions and lack of available work in the area, are standing up to the convoy of anti-Adani activists by refusing to serve them in pubs and cafes.

I hope they are joined by service stations and other like-minded businesses in showing these ratbags and misfits that their brand of standover politics and boorish behaviour is not wanted in their otherwise welcoming and friendly town.

In leading this convoy of gas-guzzling vehicles, Bob Brown is showing himself to be the biggest hypocrite of them all.

Jim Anderson, Innisfail

THE anti-Adani activists travelling in convoy to central Queensland are a hypocritical and selfish lot.

Coal continues to provide to a large extent their consumer goods and the comforts of their homes, as well as their mobility, and they are wanting to deny others the same luxuries and ease of life.

Glen Stumer, Kingaroy


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