
Letters: Lawrence Springborg’s dumping splits LNP

Readers have their say on Lawrence Springborg being dumped from the LNP state executive, Jackie Trad’s push to legalise euthanasia, and Queensland’s chances of hosting the AFL Grand Final.

Former LNP leader Lawrence Springborg. Pictures: Jack Tran
Former LNP leader Lawrence Springborg. Pictures: Jack Tran

I HAVE never been a big fan of Lawrence Springborg but with his dumping from the LNP state executive (C-M, July 20), urban-based Liberals have almost succeeded in expunging the “N” (for Nationals) from the LNP in Queensland.

This is the outcome that I (and others) feared and warned about when this improbable Liberal/National “marriage” was consummated some years ago.

There is now no regional representative on the LNP executive, leaving parliamentary leader Deb Frecklington in a precarious (and somewhat lonely) position – with the Liberals already baying for her blood and circling for a “kill” to complete the ambush of the Nationals.

If the LNP is to survive as a credible force (outside south-east Queensland in particular) the divisive current LNP president

must be shown the plank and told to walk it.

Col Walker, former National Party of Australia state director (1983-85), Sandstone Point

AS A Liberal and Coalition supporter for more than 60 years, I was disappointed to read that the LNP has dumped Lawrence Springborg from the party’s state executive.

I think Springborg would have been one of the most honest members in the party and government and would have been the best premier that Queensland ever had if he had been given the chance.

The excuse the party gave for his dumping was completely wrong.

Many mayors have been or are members of a political party.

I believe that Springborg should have been appointed president of the LNP when it was first formed and remained president until he retired or stood aside at his own timing.

I would like to thank him for his honesty and contribution to Queensland and its people.

Ray Evans, Beenleigh South

I CAN only assume from the disunity being exhibited by the LNP in recent times that somebody deep within its brains trust has identified the governance of Queensland as being a poisoned chalice to be avoided at all costs.

The dumping of its founder, Lawrence Springborg, confirms this.

The only difference between the LNP and Monty Python’s Black Knight seems to be that the LNP, not its opponents, is dismembering itself limb by limb.

Come the October 31 election and I expect the LNP will be armless and hopping about on one leg.

I wonder though, if, like the audacious Black Knight, it will even have the temerity to ask if it could settle for a draw?

Crispin Walters, Chapel Hill

THE Queensland Labor government has been gifted a huge bonus just months out from the state election in October with the news that LNP heavyweight Lawrence Springborg, widely regarded as the father of the party, has been dumped from the party’s executive.

Simmering tensions and continuing backstabbing by various functionaries within the LNP opposition in Queensland will be electorally pleasing for the Palaszczuk government.

Eric Palm, Gympie



IT’S sad to see Labor left faction leader Jackie Trad still pushing a killing agenda (C-M, July 20), especially at a time when so many Queenslanders need real help.

Trad was the main aggressor behind legalising abortion up to birth for any reason in Queensland, famously quipping it was the reason she joined the Labor Party over 20 years ago.

Her whole tenure as treasurer was marked by a focus on Labor-Greens ideology of abortion access without restraint and more recently euthanasia.

The sooner Trad goes the better.

Dr Katrina Neal, Annerley

JACKIE Trad’s spruiking of euthanasia like it’s the cure to the world’s problems – during a deadly pandemic no less – is troubling and arguably in poor taste.

Coupling this with the fact that it was the Labor Party that legalised abortion in Queensland, not just for the first trimester, but right up to birth – even for healthy babies – it raises serious concerns.

The conclusion has to be that Labor has become the party of death.

Its ideological obsession with killing is a turn-off for its base of traditional working-class voters. Labor’s policy on life issues will cost it seats at the October 31 state election, and hopefully government.

Gavan Duffy, Edens Landing

JACKIE Trad should be congratulated for expressing her support for voluntary assisted dying.

Polls show public support on this issue at 80 per cent and the parliamentary inquiry recommends legislative implementation.

This should be electoral gold for all candidates for the October state election.

With any legislation being voluntary it is hard to fathom why any candidate would not support it for their constituents, even if they personally do not.

Dr Craig Glasby, Paddington



I FEAR anyone expecting the AFL Grand Final to be moved to Queensland this year will be disappointed.

If this iconic event has to be moved from the MCG due to the COVID-19 cluster in Melbourne, I think it will be moved to a humbler venue in country Victoria which is not as badly affected.

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews may not have covered himself in glory in recent weeks, but he is not politically stupid.

If he agrees to let the grand final go interstate, he may as well concede the next Victorian state election, change his name and move overseas, because nothing else will prevent him from being tarred and feathered by an already irate electorate.

Les de Kretser, Indooroopilly


Job seekers wearing face masks in a queue outside a Centrelink office. Picture: AAP Image/Dan Peled
Job seekers wearing face masks in a queue outside a Centrelink office. Picture: AAP Image/Dan Peled


AS A 62-year-old on JobSeeker I'd like to comment on whether the coronavirus supplement should be retained.

I didn’t quit my job just to get JobSeeker and I’ve struggled to find a new one and live on $550 a fortnight. But I didn’t lose my job during COVID-19 so I had to get used to it.

You can’t believe how much the supplement has been a blessing, and like the people who have lost their jobs we will have to get used to a lower amount.

The government should think about giving us an increase, especially for people aged over 50 and before the age pension.

Doing my tax yesterday I discovered the amount of money I got for a year with JobSeeker. I'd like to see a politician live on just over $11,000.

And before people say that I should be grateful or I should get out and find a job, I’ve tried but with a medical condition it’s a struggle and it’s even harder now. So please support any increase in JobSeeker payments for over-50s.

Karen Campbell, Wynnum



WHOEVER the genius is who has come up with the idea of removing televisions from wards at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital and replacing them with a digital platform must have never set foot in a hospital ward (C-M, July 18)

Aside from the fact that there are many people of all ages who do not have the money to purchase a tablet or a laptop which would allow them to take advantage of the hospital’s free Wi-Fi offer, there are still many people who are not computer savvy.

And what about those who feel too unwell to be bothered fiddling around with their devices but are perfectly content to just lie back and watch the television, and if they feel like dozing off they can safely do so without the worry of dropping their phone or device?

Then there are the patients whose injuries or illnesses mean that they are physically unable to hold and use such devices.

Let us also not forget what any of us who have to go to hospital are told time and time again: Please do not bring anything of value with you.

Or is the RBWH going to supply every patient with their own smartphone or tablet?

Carol da Costa-Roque, Annerley



THE return of Lime Scooters (C-M, July 18) will increase the dangers already faced by pedestrians in Brisbane’s CBD from other scooters and bicycles.

Both the State Government and Brisbane City Council have again demonstrated that they have no regard for health and welfare of visitors and residents who walk the footpaths in the CBD.

John McGrath, Brisbane City


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