
Letters: CFMEU still tied to Labor

Readers have their say on the CFMEU stoush with the Labor Party, why COVID is not like any other pandemic, and Australia’s stressed relationship with China.

CFMEU rally in Brisbane’s CBD.
CFMEU rally in Brisbane’s CBD.

YOUR Editorial (C-M, Aug 27) concerning the stoush between the militant CFMEU and Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk is “faux rage” on both sides.

The “bovver/bully boy” tactics of the CFMEU as supposed hard men of the union movement saying they would tell their members to not vote for the ALP at the upcoming state election is simply wasted words, empty posturing and little else.

As your Editorial said, “If the Queensland Premier had the gumption, she would have ejected this rogue outfit from her party years ago and the threats they are now issuing would be largely meaningless.”

So where will this rogue union direct its members to vote in this upcoming state election?

It certainly won’t be telling them to vote for the LNP, so the options, optics and obstreperous actions emanating from this rogue union will mean little to the general public.

This stoush is simply showing that both Palaszczuk and the union movement as a whole is guided by factions of differing voices that seemingly can’t come together in an election year.

As the election ticks closer, how many more unions will voice their contempt for the ALP and its policies around industrial relations?

Perhaps there’s a “ticking time bomb” on both Palaszczuk’s leadership and on the ALP in addressing its ties to union influence at the ballot box.

Paul Henderson, Wynnum

IF the CFMEU chooses to withdraw support for the ALP, memories must be very short.

The Palaszczuk government jettisoned the LNP’s extreme anti-worker legislation introduced by Campbell Newman and Jarrod Bleijie who remains part of the LNP opposition.

If the CFMEU wishes all that work to be undone and to again have union rights curtailed then simply pulling the pin on Queensland Labor should do the trick.

Francis Carroll, Moorooka



IT’S difficult to believe that health authorities and UQ associate professor and virologist Ian Mackay are just beginning to comprehend that many Queenslanders with COVID symptoms are not getting tested (C-M, Aug 26).

Of course they’re not coming forward to be tested.

They see the consequences of a positive finding as horrendous.

In thousands of cases where household finances are held together with rubber bands and sticky tape, to expect people to disrupt this with

the potential consequences of two to four weeks in quarantine is unthinkable.

Warren Stagg, Fig Tree Pocket



NEVILLE Parker (Letters, Aug 27) is right about many things in regard to the impact of the 1950s flu epidemic, that the economy didn’t shut down then, and that other terrible diseases existed and killed many.

But he is totally without any credibility on the key point of the matter – all of those other diseases already existed in the community in some form, and there was widespread immunity or resistance present in the population.

That is not the case with

COVID-19. There is no immunity, nothing but our intervention to stop its spread.

And we know this because some people have dedicated their lives to studying, predicting and treating such pandemics.

We are certainly in uncharted waters, and it is fair to always question the options being presented.

But when all is said and done, do you want a qualified captain at the helm who is in possession of the best available information to chart a safe passage, or do you want to rely on the unqualified opinion of a person whose only experience is over six decades in the past?

Stephen Morgan, Carina Heights


Aged care facilities are not letting loved ones to visit.
Aged care facilities are not letting loved ones to visit.


I AGREE totally with Maryke Boegheim (Letters, Aug 27) regarding the continued closure of aged care homes every time there is a spike in COVID cases.

I visit, or try to visit, an old friend at least two to three times a week.

She loves these visits as she is bedridden, but still very mentally alert.

These closures mean she is stuck in her room day in and day out and cannot even have her carer visit her.

She has been tested for COVID twice. I have had my flu shot and need to follow their strict guidelines, including having my temperature taken, each time I visit.

Please let these poor, lonely people enjoy what little joy they can have in their now restricted life, and allow their loved ones to come and see them.

Laelea Smith, Ormiston



THE analogy of a marriage between China and Australia will never pass any reasonable examination after the Chinese Embassy’s second-in-charge Wang Xining appeared upset about China being accused for the origins of COVID-19 (C-M, Aug 27).

Even if it is/was a marriage, China's behaviour being called out for the devastating impact on lives hurt/killed and economies shattered by the Wuhan origin of the virus must be truthfully admitted by it.

The so-called free trade agreement has never worked mutually and only to China's advantage.

Its spiteful use of sanctions on our barley, wine and beef shows China for the bully it is.

COVID-19 has caused conservatively over 800,000 deaths worldwide and rising, killing many of our most vulnerable elderly (often dying alone), significant ongoing health conditions and unprecedented economic and mental damage.

Its “One belt one road” initiative and the secretive “Thousand Talents Plan” in which researchers/academics are not allowed to disclose their “membership” show no signs of any mutual respect.

This is no marriage and not even an equal partnership.

The federal government has finally listened to the many calls for China (or any other foreign power) to back off and stop interfering in our sovereignty.

It is about to enact long overdue legislation to stop state and local governments from bowing to unreasonable incursions buying our assets.

I donlt think the Chinese Communist Party would allow Australia or any other foreign power to buy its assets.

Philip Castle, Chapel Hill

THE announcement that the federal government is to introduce legislation to review and restrict foreign investments in essential Australian industries on the basis of national security is welcome news.

While many would see this as finally taking action against rampant predation on the Australian economy by Chinese interests, this is not necessarily the objective.

Since the end of World War II there have been waves of investments by foreign companies and national entities, notably the Japanese, which have in the past caused much concern.

Unfortunately much of this concern has been driven by an unnecessary xenophobic reaction about Asian investment, when the greatest amount of foreign investment comes from the UK and the US.

Many Australians would think it is high time that a more equable regime was initiated with countries whose governments prohibit reciprocal Australian investment in their industries and domestic real estate.

This legislation is long overdue and should not be seen as some kind of attack on foreign governments and particularly China, which seems to be the bogeyman of the moment.

All nations have an inalienable right to make decisions for the welfare of their nation and to protect their territorial, national and economic security.

Geoff Roberts, Brendale



THE poor performance of the Broncos has been attributed to a number of reasons.

Some have suggested outgoing coach Anthony Seibold was “too scientfic” (C-M, Aug 27).

But teams don’t produce results as poor as those of the Broncos just because the coach is too scientific.

Blame a lack of effort by players and a failure to put their head down and have a go.

Others say the players need someone to motivate them.

Well, if they can’t motivate themselves they shouldn’t be in the team.

As for Seibold, he might derive some comfort by knowing there are two types of coaches – those who have been sacked and those who are going to be sacked.

Frank Haack, Rockhampton


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