

Joel Creasey on pain of losing his beloved family dog

She was funny, loving and a total boss. Nothing prepared comedian Joel Creasey for the pain of losing his beloved family dog.

Comedian Joel Creasey only has four jokes.

This is the column I never thought I would have to write — our family dog, Bella, died this week aged 15. She was the light of our lives and nothing could have prepared any of us for the pain we would feel saying goodbye to our “little lamb”. Bella was a beautiful West Highland Terrier (you know, the breed of dog in the ‘My Dog’ ads).

Even as she neared 15, people would stop us on the street and ask “how old is your puppy?” She was a total babe is what I’m saying, even through her senior years. We got Bella when I was 15, so I knew her half my life. She was funny, loving and a total boss … regularly taking on dogs four times her size in the park and truly holding her own. I remember the day she was first picked up from the breeder. I was working at McDonald’s and manning the drive thru that day.

I loved working drive thru because it meant I got a headset and thus felt like I was Madonna

… just a little greasier. My mum and sisters decided to surprise me by driving through and handing Bella to me through the window. She was so small she could fit in my hand. She was basically one of The Veronicas. I only knew Bella for a few years as I moved to Melbourne when I was 19 to pursue my dreams of being an astrophysicist, and failing that, landing in the world of stand-up.

Joel Creasey’s beloved family dog has passed away.
Joel Creasey’s beloved family dog has passed away.

Whenever I’d visit Perth, however, it was always Bella I’d race through the door to see. Bella ruled the roost. She was allowed to sleep wherever she wanted and do whatever she wanted. She would never bark, bite or scratch. She was the queen of her own little kingdom. In true Creasey family style, Bella ended up in the “biz”, of course.

My sister was the marketing director for a hardware chain that also stocked doggie-day-wear. One day when the dog model they’d booked didn’t rock up to a shoot, someone turned to Holly and said “Hol, your dog’s cute, bring her in!”. Snap forward a few hours later and Bella was rocking the photo shoot … and went on to be booked for several more campaigns. She was paid in multiple dog toys, beds and treats. Her blue “duck” toy she had from the day she came home never left her side, until just days ago. And any treats she was given she had a ritual of burying in the backyard for later. Kinda like I do with chicken nuggets when I’m drunk … a fun surprise to wake up to the next day!

She was an old lady when we said goodbye and we knew she was in pain after procedures to prolong her life. We could have one final cuddle. I know she’s safe in doggie paradise now. No doubt taking on a dog far bigger than her. Either that or regaling them with stories of her time on earth as that super hot model dog from the TV!

Originally published as Joel Creasey on pain of losing his beloved family dog

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