
Is Australia the great country or heading downhill? What you said

Is Australia the greatest country or heading downhill fast? JOIN THE CONVERSATION

‘Empowering’ local communities key to closing the gap

Australia – the lucky country or in serious trouble?

Columnist Nikki Osborne broached the topic of the nation’s health – leaving a great divide in reader opinion.

“I am about as patriotic as they come. I’m a born and bred Aussie who grew up on a steady diet of boating, camping, fishing, Weet-Bix and shark punching. I mean, I have a character called Bush Barbie,” she wrote.

“I was absolutely enamoured with my country and would defend it as the greatest place on Earth.

“Then Covid happened. What the hell Australia?! We went from “she’ll be right” stoic heroes to families having “fisticuffs” over bog rolls in Coles.”

Nikki Osborne.
Nikki Osborne.

So what wis Osborne’s conclusion?

“Australia is the best country but it is over-regulated. Our country has become a place where it only takes one idiot to ruin it for the many. Can’t we just call them an idiot and continue as responsible citizens? Agree?”

Cleary, not everyone does.

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Nicky you are so right. I grew up in Melbourne and was proud to call myself a Victorian. I have been living in the USA for the past 8 years and couldn’t believe how Australia completely lost the plot over Covid. As for Dictator Dan well he just needs to be thrown out. We plan to retire back to Oz but we will be based in NSW.


In Canberra – the residential building architecture is cheap and repetitive throughout all new developed areas. Unfortunately many people are getting ripped off by these builders whom seem to disappear as easy as they become developed. Our government has gone soft


I went overseas last year and obtained a foreign passport.

Don’t know why but l had this gut feeling something felt very wrong in Oz.

I always loved Australia but these last few years were a real eye-opener.


Good for you Nikki. I felt exactly the same. I am absolutely sick of the politically correct rubbish and the continual wokism that is driving the average person crazy. So much so, that I too packed up the family and we are now living in Chiang Mai, Thailand and building a beautiful home nestled below the mountains that divide this beautiful country and the equally beautiful but tragically conflict torn neighbour, Myanmar. Life is great as I sip my Gin and Tonic and watch the sun set over the beautiful vista to the west. Love Australia, but the occupants have in many parts, totally lost the plot.


You probably never toured the country to learn there’s more available than just the Victorian option. It was amazing during Covid how many expat entitled Australians wanted “back in” the very place they left.



Hope you only got a one-way ticket


Never heard of her, but I hope she doesn’t slam the door on the way out.


You probably never toured the country to learn there’s more available than just the Victorian option. It was amazing during Covid how many expat entitled Australians wanted “back in” the very place they left.


I live in a small country town. I feel cared about and supported. Home is where you are prepared to commit and value others.

David from Morphett Vale

Australia will never suit everyone. Those who have the ability to choose a life overseas are welcome to leave. Good riddance.

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Unfortunately we are governed by people who aspire to government positions to change our way of life. Their aspirations are leftist/green (adjective, rather than descriptive) and hold powerful positions in Council, State Government and Federal Government and make personal decisions, rather than Community decisions. They consequently appoint similar identities to represent the population in Industries, such as health officials and are “admirably “ supportered by Union and Public Servants who are rewarded with the ideology that they represent.


Still the best country in the world.

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Australia was the ‘lucky country’ a decade or so ago, but has succumbed to cultural overload, political correctness and large-company exploitation, or basically greed. We are over governed by those not really qualified or capable of leading the public. If we keep admitting large amounts of immigrants and ignoring citizen needs, well be an international ghetto in the next decade or so.


You are quite right wrt Australia, but were are you going to go that is better? The whole world is on an accelerating downward spiral.

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