

China vowed all along it would start cutting its emissions after 2030, but has now junked even that worthless promise

China must be laughing at the free world for letting imps like Greta Thunberg persuade us to de-industrialise to “save” the planet, when we should be frantic to save ourselves.

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It’s now obvious China has conned the West and is using the global warming scare to make us weaker while it prepares for war.

The communist dictatorship has torn up its promises to soon cut its own emissions, and now pumps out more carbon dioxide than the US, European Union and India combined.

How China must laugh at the free world for letting imps like Greta Thunberg persuade us to de-industrialise to “save” the planet, when we should be frantic to save ourselves.

Western leaders must now ask: why are we wasting trillions of dollars to slash our emissions, only to let China get gassier and stronger?

China’s communist dictatorship has torn up its promises to soon cut its own emissions. Picture: AFP
China’s communist dictatorship has torn up its promises to soon cut its own emissions. Picture: AFP

This fix was in from the start.

In 2015, the world agreed to cut emissions under the United Nations’ Paris Agreement, but China was given a pass.

It was declared a “developing nation”, so it could keep using cheap fossil fuels until it got rich enough to catch up with richer countries like ours. China said that meant waiting until 2030 before cutting its own emissions.

We, though, have been slashing emissions for years already at an horrendous cost, including to our industrial competitiveness.

China was allowed to keep using cheap fossil fuels until it got rich enough to catch up with richer countries.
China was allowed to keep using cheap fossil fuels until it got rich enough to catch up with richer countries.

How does that make sense, even excluding the obvious fact that no country has more influence on the global temperature as China?

Why have we signed a deal to help this threatening dictatorship catch up in wealth and power?

It’s nice that we want to help Chinese people get as rich as Americans. But their dictator has had his pedal to the carbon floor to build what’s now the world’s biggest navy, world’s biggest army and world’s third-biggest air force.

Even more ominously, dictator Xi Jinping has repeatedly urged his military to “prepare for war” and threatened the military invasion of democratic Taiwan.

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His navy in the past month has rammed Philippines vessels, and his air force has buzzed Japan’s air space and repeatedly crossed into Taiwan’s air identification zone.

This global warming deal is like Europe In 1938 agreeing to choke its industrial base to let Nazi Germany catch up.

Global warming policies in the West hurt our heavy industries by making power more expensive – the exact reason developing countries were excused.

You can see right now how it hurts Australia. Our nickel industry has been wiped out, in part because our power prices are now too high to compete with the nickel smelters in developing Indonesia – smelters built largely with Chinese money to supply China first.

Dictator Xi Jinping has repeatedly urged his military to ‘prepare for war’. Picture: Oliver Hotham
Dictator Xi Jinping has repeatedly urged his military to ‘prepare for war’. Picture: Oliver Hotham

The European Union is at least slowly waking up, and plans to hit China with taxes on its exports of high-emissions cement, steel and fertilisers.

It’s time our own government accepted we’ve been fleeced by China, since even China is dropping its pretence of following us any time soon in our global warming self-harm.

China vowed all along it would start cutting its emissions after 2030, but has now junked even that worthless promise.

Two years ago, Xi announced he wouldn’t make the mistake of scrapping fossil fuels before he was sure China had another way of delivering electricity ready to go, “in line with the principle of getting the new before discarding the old”.

This may sound like plain common sense, but contrast it with the madness in Australia.

Xi announced he wouldn’t make the mistake of scrapping fossil fuels before he was sure China had another way of delivering electricity ready to go.
Xi announced he wouldn’t make the mistake of scrapping fossil fuels before he was sure China had another way of delivering electricity ready to go.

The Albanese government is driving our remaining coal-fired generators out of business in the cross-fingers hope that something will somehow turn up to replace them.

Instead, the government’s plans for green hydrogen are collapsing, its wind and solar rollout is way behind, and the Snowy 2.0 pump hydro scheme is hopelessly bogged and costs an estimated $18 billion more than predicted.

Last year, Xi made even plainer that he won’t be held to his 2030 target by any treaty, saying China’s energy policy would be based on the country’s needs and not “swayed by others”.

“Others” includes us.

What fools we’ve been – and this government especially.

The Albanese government is driving our remaining coal-fired generators out of business. Picture: Martin Ollman
The Albanese government is driving our remaining coal-fired generators out of business. Picture: Martin Ollman

Here it is, strangling investment in coal mines while China last year dug out half the world’s output, and is building half the world’s new coal mines, according to the Global Energy Monitor.

Here’s our government, also trying to shut down our remaining coal-fired generators, while China last year started building 19 times more coal generation than the rest of the world combined.

Let me give our government some credit.

True, global warming is indeed a threat.

But it’s a threat to gullible Western politicians everywhere, who still can’t admit China has used this hyped-up scare to play the West for suckers.

Originally published as China vowed all along it would start cutting its emissions after 2030, but has now junked even that worthless promise

Andrew Bolt
Andrew BoltColumnist

With a proven track record of driving the news cycle, Andrew Bolt steers discussion, encourages debate and offers his perspective on national affairs. A leading journalist and commentator, Andrew’s columns are published in the Herald Sun, Daily Telegraph and Advertiser. He writes Australia's most-read political blog and hosts The Bolt Report on Sky News Australia at 7.00pm Monday to Thursday.

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