

Andrew Bolt: Anti-Australia Day rally grows more menacing by the year

No one at Melbourne’s anti-Australia Day rally of hate sang out, hey, cut out the racism when the MC jeered “I hope you choke on your lamb chops”.

Melbourne 'invasion day' protest was Victoria's largest

The MC at last Thursday’s big anti-Australia Day protest in Melbourne shouted a welcome to “Rocky Harrison” as a shirtless man in sunnies swaggered onto the stage

But some journalists didn’t report what Rocky then said. Still, I’m not surprised, given so many seem keen to protect the “reconciliation” fraud pushed by Prime Minister Anthony Albanese.

Rocky announced he’d been in prison, and fired a string of obscenities and racist insults at police and jailers.

“F … these f … ing white dogs”, “f … ing screws”, “f … ing white maggots”,” he ranted, and then, pointing apparently to police near the Flinders St station, screamed: “F … the police! … I’ll f. ing shoot you, you f … ing dogs.”

Yet no one at this rally sang out, hey, cut out the racism and threats. No one shut down Rocky or protested that this reconciliation movement is supposed to fight racism and help us all get along, just like Albanese says.

People in the crowd at what was dubbed the Invasion Day rally. Picture: Ian Currie
People in the crowd at what was dubbed the Invasion Day rally. Picture: Ian Currie

I instead heard whoops and cheers from the crowd packed outside the station, as if racism isn’t racism if your pet race wins.

The MC, a woman, then led the mob in a chant: “F … the police, f … the police, f … your prisons.”

Earlier, she’d jeered at the “whites celebrating (Australia Day) with your f … ing little barbecues”, adding: “I hope you choke on your lamb chops … f. you!” Two other official speakers, including a CFMEU organiser, also shouted “f … the police”.

Feeling reconciled yet? Or just conned by a movement that grows more divisive and menacing by the year?

How symbolic, that these speeches were given at an intersection once used by the annual Melbourne Australia Day parade until the Andrews Labor Government scrapped it and cleared the road for this rally of hate instead.

But you wouldn’t have been told about these toxic speeches. Many journalists gave a sanitised coverage of the rally, like they do of the Labor-back race industry now pushing us towards apartheid and even race war.

In fact, ABC reports I saw even left out Senator Lidia Thorpe’s racist war cry at the rally’s start.

I know, Thorpe gets dismissed as an irrelevant fringe player by apologists for Albanese’s Voice. Actually, she’s a big deal.

For a start, she’s the First Nations spokesman for the Greens, backed at the last election by 13 per cent of voters.

Speeches were given at the same intersection once used by the annual Australia Day parade. Picture: Jake Nowakowski
Speeches were given at the same intersection once used by the annual Australia Day parade. Picture: Jake Nowakowski

What’s more, Thorpe’s sister Meriki Onus is a leader of the Warriors of the Aboriginal Resistance which helped organised the Melbourne rally, and the Thorpe clan is the rising rival to the long-dominant Bamblett family in Victoria’s Aboriginal politics, already controlling at least three of the 31 seats of Victoria’s version of Albanese’s Voice, the First Nations Assembly.

That makes Thorpe a warning of where this race movement is heading, unwittingly pushed by Albanese.

So note: at the rally, Thorpe waved a “war stick”, and yelled: “This is a war, a war that was declared on our people over 200 years ago.

“That war has never ended in our country against our people.

“They are still killing us. They are still stealing our babies. They are killing our men. They are still raping our women.”

Note her racism. Thorpe was clearly scapegoating whites as murderers and rapists of “our people”, when in fact studies have confirmed, for instance, that most murdered Aboriginal women were killed by their partners – themselves mostly Aborigines.

Just last week, federal Labor MP Marion Scrymgour said 14 of the 16 people in intensive care beds in Alice Springs were Aboriginal women who’d been bashed.

Greens Senator Lidia Thorpe waved a ‘war stick’. Picture: Getty
Greens Senator Lidia Thorpe waved a ‘war stick’. Picture: Getty

What’s more, when Thorpe yells “they are still stealing our babies”, she deflects from the real crime: Aboriginal children are much likelier to need saving from their parents.

This is the kind of poison Albanese is helping to spread with his push to divide us by race in our constitution, giving Aborigines an advisory Parliament just for themselves.

His plan is also racist, setting races against each other. It also falsely implies that the real problem in too many Aboriginal communities is whites, allegedly racist, oppressive or deaf to advice.

That’s why news of the crime wave in Alice Springs, caused by Aboriginal men and underparented children, has so horrified Labor. It shows voters what a fraud this blame-whites excuse is.

Meanwhile, Thorpe takes Labor’s racism and white-blaming fakery to the logical conclusion, and preaches war.

Best wake up to that now, before some black radicals – or white nationalists – believe Thorpe and others on her stage of hate that it really is a race war and grab a gun.

Originally published as Andrew Bolt: Anti-Australia Day rally grows more menacing by the year

Andrew Bolt
Andrew BoltColumnist

With a proven track record of driving the news cycle, Andrew Bolt steers discussion, encourages debate and offers his perspective on national affairs. A leading journalist and commentator, Andrew’s columns are published in the Herald Sun, Daily Telegraph and Advertiser. He writes Australia's most-read political blog and hosts The Bolt Report on Sky News Australia at 7.00pm Monday to Thursday.

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