
Liverpool Council to potentially undergo $350k name change

In a move to cement its status as Sydney’s “third CBD”, Liverpool Council is considering a name change to ‘City of Liverpool’ – in a move which could cost ratepayers $350,000.

Liverpool resident Jennelyn Capistrano would like the money to go towards schools.
Liverpool resident Jennelyn Capistrano would like the money to go towards schools.

In a bid to position itself as Sydney’s third CBD, a name change is planned for Liverpool Council in a move which has been described as an “exercise in vanity”.

The council, currently titled Liverpool City Council, has passed a proposal to change its name to City of Liverpool to align with City of Sydney and City of Parramatta in a move which could potentially cost ratepayers $350,000.

Liverpool Labor MP and councillor Charishma Kaliyanda voted against the name change, describing the rebranding as an “exercise in vanity rather than something driven by public reason.”

“We went through an extensive rebranding process less than 10 years ago which cost rate payers money,” she said.

“I would want more data and evidence based case studies on whether changing our name will have strategic merit and result in these hypothetical outcomes.”

Liverpool Mayor Ned Mannoun supports the council rebrand. Picture: Monique Harmer
Liverpool Mayor Ned Mannoun supports the council rebrand. Picture: Monique Harmer

Ms Kaliyanda said the money should be put toward upgrades to community facilities instead of new signage.

“Everyday we get contacted about the lack of parking facilities and the maintenance of parks so it [the rebrand] seems to be the last thing for us to prioritise,” she said.

Liverpool resident Stuart Mcgillivray said reasons for the rebrand “aren’t big enough.”
Liverpool resident Stuart Mcgillivray said reasons for the rebrand “aren’t big enough.”

Residents had a mixed response to the proposal, which will be included in the 2023/24 budget, with Liverpool man Stuart Mcgillivray of the view there was not enough of a reason for a rebrand which wouldn’t barely get the attention of ratepayers.

“A name doesn’t make a city, a community does that and I don’t think changing a name will make much of a difference,” he said.

“We have a lot bigger problems than a name change and it would be nice to see more money going to helping the homeless.”

Kool Kitchen restaurant owner Yuan Yao said the council should focus on helping local businesses.

Michael Sinanovic has lived in Liverpool for over 40 years and agreed with the rebrand.
Michael Sinanovic has lived in Liverpool for over 40 years and agreed with the rebrand.

“It’s been tough, they [council] need to improve the footpaths and make it [Liverpool] a safe area,” she said.

However, resident of Liverpool for 40 years Michael Sinanovic, said “any change” was good.

Mayor Ned Mannoun threw his support behind the name change, highlighting how Liverpool had been identified as Sydney’s third CBD by both the federal and state governments.

“The brand of City of Liverpool” recognises the city as a tier two CBD,” he said.

“The LGA regularly ranks in the top five growth cities in Australia through population growth, land release areas, inward investment and a sustained local economy growth of more than 4 per cent annually.

“(Liverpool) is the gateway city of the new airport and over $20bn worth of new infrastructure. In recognising a local GDP of over $12bn, Liverpool should be recognised as a city much like Parramatta was recognised as the City of Parramatta several years ago.”

The council has resolved to investigate the process behind the name change, with financial implications to be considered at a later date.

Originally published as Liverpool Council to potentially undergo $350k name change

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