
Government looks at relocating SBS to Western Sydney

The headquarters of a public broadcaster could soon be headed to Sydney’s western suburbs, with the Albanese government kickstarting the process to make it happen.

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Multicultural broadcaster SBS could be moved out to Sydney’s western suburbs under proposals to be examined by a government steering committee announced on Thursday.

Western Sydney leaders welcomed the potential relocation for the national broadcaster, currently headquartered in Sydney’s leafy lower north shore suburb of Artarmon, while SBS chiefs acknowledged to staff they might find the news “unsettling”.

The Albanese Government announced the federal communications department, in consultation with SBS, would begin running a feasibility study into the move, looking at the business case and costs and benefits.

Western Sydney leaders have called for the move for years, although SBS itself has not been previously keen on the idea, stating in 2021 that it had “yet to see a proposal that would be cost-effective, practical, or yield more value for the Australian public.”

Staff were told on Thursday by SBS managing director James Taylor that while the announcement might be “unsettling”, they would be consulted along the way and the broadcaster would “keep an open mind”.

The SBS office building at Artarmon in Sydney.
The SBS office building at Artarmon in Sydney.

“I appreciate that for some of you who have made significant choices based on our Artarmon location, this process may feel unsettling,” he told staff in a note.

“Conversely, there may be others who feel the project could lead to an opportunity to work closer to home, family or childcare.

Business Western Sydney executive director David Borger thinks a move would be a “no-brainer”. Picture: John Appleyard
Business Western Sydney executive director David Borger thinks a move would be a “no-brainer”. Picture: John Appleyard

“We will be approaching this project constructively, maintain an open mind and will of course keep you updated. SBS is nothing without our people, and there will be consultation with you as this project progresses.”

Business Western Sydney executive director David Borger called the potential move a “no-brainer”.

“SBS relocating to the culturally diverse heartland of Australia - Western Sydney - is a no-brainer and we are pleased to see the Federal Government taking the next steps with a feasibility study,” he said.

“Western Sydney councils are champing at the bit to put forward a number of locations across Western Sydney to host the SBS headquarters.

Communications Minister Michelle Rowland has announced terms of reference into an investigation about the move of SBS. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Gary Ramage
Communications Minister Michelle Rowland has announced terms of reference into an investigation about the move of SBS. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Gary Ramage

“Locating SBS in Western Sydney would put them in the middle of the stories that they tell of Australia’s rich multicultural tapestry.

“The relocation of SBS to Western Sydney is more than just about a new building but the opportunity to grow the creative industries economy by attracting other organisations to co-locate with SBS and really grow jobs in this sector.”

It will also examine a competitive bidding process between local government areas to choose the best new location.

The committee will report back with preliminary findings on whether the move is feasible later in the year, although “any decision on relocation is ultimately a matter for the SBS board”.

Communications Minister Michelle Rowland said that while a number of parties had already indicated they were interested in lodging an expression of interest for hosting SBS in Western Sydney, “it’s important that all relevant factors are identified and considered”.

“Having the right mix of independent experts with leadership, infrastructure, finance, property and broadcasting expertise on the Steering Committee is critical to ensuring the project is well-managed,” she said.

“Their insight and findings will ensure SBS Board and government decision-making is well-informed and I look forward to receiving the preliminary findings of the feasibility study later this year.”

Founded in Australia in 1978, SBS has 1801 employees and rebroadcasts the news bulletins of 15 different countries, including in Arabic, Mandarin, Indian and Spanish, for 18 hours a day. It is government funded but also derives 31 per cent of its total operating revenue from the sale of its services and commercials, unlike the ABC.

The ABC is also committed to moving a significant amount of staff out of its Ultimo headquarters to Western Sydney.

Originally published as Government looks at relocating SBS to Western Sydney

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