
‘While all Muslims are not terrorists, certainly all terrorists these days are Muslims,’ Senator Anning said

IN A defiant interview, Bob Katter says his colleague’s use of a Nazi term in a speech on immigration was “absolutely magnificent”.

Bob’s rant over senator’s maiden speech

BOB Katter has given a bizarre interview in which he backed his embattled party colleague “1000 per cent”.

He told reporters Senator Fraser Anning’s speech yesterday, which evoked the language of Adolf Hitler, was “absolutely magnificent” and “solid gold”.

“You don’t have to be Albert Einstein to see that we, as a race of people, we Australians, are being buried by a mass migration program to line the pockets of the rich and powerful,” he said.

“The ALP, and more particularly, the LNP, are bringing 630,000 people from overseas, from countries with no democracy, no rule of law, no egalitarian traditions, no Judaeo-Christian traditions. 630,000 a year and they don’t go home.

“We do not want people coming in from the Middle East or North Africa unless they’re

the persecuted minorities. Why aren’t you bringing in the Sikhs? Why aren’t you bringing in the Christians? Why aren’t you bringing in the Jews?”

Senator Anning took to live TV this morning to explain why he used a term associated with the Nazi plan to kill millions of Jews in Parliament yesterday.

In an inflammatory speech, the Queensland crossbench senator called for a “final solution” plebiscite on which migrants come to Australia.

Appearing on the Today show, he doubled down on his controversial speech — in which he called for a Muslim ban and a return to the White Australia policy.

In a tense interview, host Georgie Gardner asked him why he was targeting Muslims.

“I think that we can’t take the risk of bringing people into this country that commit crimes like the Bourke Street massacre or the one we just saw in London today,” he said. “I think we have to protect Australian citizens.”

He argued that for every 1000 Muslims brought into Australia, there are “50 that want to kill us” — bizarrely adding that “Apex gangs in Melbourne” are entirely made up of Muslims.

“I don’t want those people in this country,” he said. “People are being murdered by these people.”


When he was asked about using the Nazi term “final solution” in his speech yesterday, he said he “didn’t even think” about whether it would be offensive.

“All I said was the final solution to the immigration problem is a vote of the Australian people,” he said. “That has nothing to do with the ‘Final Solution’, the thought police got onto that.

“For everyone to take it out of context is a joke and try and shutdown debate.”

Ms Gardner said it was “far from a joke” and asked whether he would like to apologise.

However, he refused.

“Good men died for our right to say whatever we want to say and use whatever words we want to use,” he said.

“If people want to take it out of context that’s entirely up to them. It was never meant to denigrate the Jewish community and it’s two words and if that offends anyone unfortunately that’s the way it has to be.

“I don’t regret anything Georgie. I’m not going to apologise or regret anything I say.”

He finished the bizarre interview by saying Australia was on a “march towards another communist state”.

Yesterday, Katter’s Australia Party upper house MP called for an end to Muslim immigration and a program that favours “European Christian” values.

In his maiden speech to Parliament today, he claimed a majority of Australian Muslims live on welfare and do not work.

“While all Muslims are not terrorists, certainly all terrorists these days are Muslims,” Senator Anning said.

“So why would anyone want to bring more of them here?” He called for the government to ban all welfare payments to migrants in the first five years of living in Australia, labelling many asylum seekers as “welfare seekers”.

Senator Anning also wants a plebiscite on who comes to the country to allow people to decide whether they want “wholesale non-English speaking immigrants from the third world”.

“The final solution to the immigration problem is of course a popular vote,” he said.

The speech has prompted an angry backlash from pollies, as well as thousands on social media — but the Senator refused to back down. Overnight, he released a statement to “repudiate baseless allegations”.

He added that people on the left were trying to shut down immigration debate.

“Claims that the words meant anything other than the ultimate solution to any political question is always a popular vote are simply ridiculous,” Senator Anning said in a statement.

“Anyone who actually reads them in context will realise this.”

However, his reaction has added fuel to the fire — with many describing his choice of words, and his refusal to apologise “disgusting” and “bigoted”.

Even Pauline Hanson says she was “appalled” by the speech and asked “how gutless” the Senators who shook his hand were, and if they were so appalled, they should have walked out.

On the Today show this morning, Josh Frydenberg attacked Senator Anning’s “extremely ignorant words” — calling them “hurtful, divisive and unacceptable”.

“Fraser Anning should not only retract his comments last night but he should also immediately go and visit a holocaust museum and hear first hand from survivors how raw the pain is and hear about and see the destruction and devastation caused by the Nazi killing machine,” he said.

“Ten million people lost their lives to the Nazis, six million of whom were Jews, 1.5 million of whom were children. Fraser Anning is a father. You can’t utter those words in the Parliament without understanding the consequences and ramifications.”

Labor Senate leader Penny Wong today said the speech “did not reflect who we are, did not reflect the strong, proud multicultural country that we are, a country that has been built by people from all over the world”.

“And it did not reflect Australian values,” she told reporters. “It reflected a time we have moved on from and it reflected division and prejudice.

“It was not a speech of which he can be proud, it was not a speech that was worthy of the Parliament of Australia.”

Greens leader Richard Di Natale said the Senator’s comments were “absolutely beyond the pale”.

“If he has a shred of decency, he will immediately apologise,” he said. “Referring to immigrants, particularly Muslim immigrants, with the same language that the Nazis used to discuss the extermination of Europe’s Jews during the Holocaust is vile, racist, bigoted and has no place in our society, let alone our Parliament.”

Labor frontbencher Chris Bowen said the use of the term ‘final solution”, which has been historically associated with the Nazi plan in World War II for killing millions of Jews, was “utterly unacceptable”.

“You don’t use that term. That is an unacceptable use of the term,” he told ABC Radio on Tuesday.

“It has connotations and meanings to history which it are deeply offensive to right-thinking people, not only in Australia but across the world.”

Senator Anning also said Australia was entitled to insist migrants were predominantly of the “historic European Christian composition”. “Ethno-cultural diversity — which is known to undermine social cohesion — has been allowed to rise to dangerous levels in many suburbs,” the Queensland senator said.

“In direct response, self-segregation, including white flight from poorer inner- urban areas, has become the norm.” Senator Anning called for a cultural counter-revolution to restore traditional values and redefine national identity.

He said anyone persuaded to advocate the “false claim” there was an infinite number of genders had surrendered their political soul.

“To describe the so-called safe schools and gender fluidity garbage being peddled in schools as cultural Marxism is not a throwaway line, but a literal truth,” Senator Anning said.

The 68-year-old outlined plans to boost agriculture through re-establishing rural state banks and re-establishment of marketing of farm goods through grower co-operatives.

Other issues he noted were countering the growing threat of China, slashing government spending, building coal-fired power plants and taking back culture from left-wing extremists.

Senator Anning said Joh Bjelke-Petersen’s reign as Queensland premier was the state’s “golden age”.

— with wires

Senator calls for the “final solution” on immigration

Originally published as ‘While all Muslims are not terrorists, certainly all terrorists these days are Muslims,’ Senator Anning said

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