
FNQ free of mosquito-borne disease for first time in a century

For the first time in more than a century, Far North Queensland is free of a potentially deadly mosquito-borne disease. So how did we do it?

Buzz off mozzies! How to avoid getting bitten

FOR the first time in more than a century, Far North Queensland is free of a potentially deadly mosquito-borne disease.

The Eliminate Dengue group, part of the World Mosquito Program has been introducing the Wolbachia bacteria into Aedes aegypti mosquitoes since 2011 in a bid to eradicate dengue fever.

Wolbachia are naturally occurring bacteria found in 60 per cent of all insect species, and are safe for humans, animals and the environment.

Once mosquitoes with Wolbachia are released, they breed with wild mosquitoes and over time, mosquitoes have a reduced ability to transmit viruses to people.

Tropical Public Health Services Cairns director and public health physician Dr Richard Gair said with the success of the program, Far North Queensland was “essentially a dengue-free area for the first time in well over 100 years”.


Short-term releases of Wolbachia mosquitoes were undertaken up to eight years ago in Cairns, the Cassowary Coast, Douglas and Charters Towers and monitoring in these areas has shown that Wolbachia has remained in the local mosquitoes during this time, without the need for further releases.

Importantly, there has been reduced dengue transmission in these areas, with a 93 per cent reduction in reported cases.

The findings follow the five-year success in Townsville.

The study was led by WMP director and Monash University Professor Scott O’Neill.

“We’ve seen almost the complete collapse of locally acquired dengue in previously high-risk transmission areas in cities and communities across Australia’s far north, despite imported dengue cases continuing to rise,” he said.

Cairns man Ron Crew, who has suffered through three bouts of dengue, said the news was “marvellous”.

Eliminate Dengue
Eliminate Dengue

“The more times you get it, and there are four different strains I believe, it gets worse each time. I can verify that,” Mr Crew said.

“It was really terrible the third time. I don’t want to see anyone get it even once.”


The wMel strain of Wolbachia has been introduced into Aedes aegypti mosquitoes and shown in laboratory studies to reduce transmission of a range of viruses, including dengue, zika, chikungunya, yellow fever, and Mayaro viruses that cause human disease.

Long-term monitoring will show if these communities have been ‘dengue-proofed’ and if the protection extends to other viruses that cause zika, chikungunya and yellow fever.

Originally published as FNQ free of mosquito-borne disease for first time in a century

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