
Chanel Contos backs new $40 million Australian consent campaign

Chanel Contos and other prominent cactivists have backed a $40 million federal government campaign to help adults teach their children about consent to reduce the shocking rates of sexual violence in Australia.

New national consent campaign launches

A new $40 million campaign to help adults teach teens about sex and consent and tackle common misconceptions will hope to reduce the shocking rates of sexual violence in Australia.

The expert-backed national awareness promotion will roll out across television, social media, online video and cinema for the next 12 months, asking parents “if we don’t know the answers, how will our kids?”.

One in five women and one in 16 men in Australia report having experienced sexual violence since the age of 15, with research showing despite people knowing sex without consent is wrong, there are high levels of confusion around the definition of consent and who is accountable in non-consensual scenarios.

In addition to billboards and advertisements, a website called will feature conversation guides, information debunking myths and a “check your understanding” question generator.

The campaign was developed in consultation with a panel of sexual violence and consent experts, including National Association of Services Against Sexual Violence board member Kathryn Fordyce, No To Violence head of engagement Lizette Twisleton and Teach Us Consent founder Chanel Contos.

Consent advocate Chanel Contos is backing the new federal government campaign. Picture: Alex Towle
Consent advocate Chanel Contos is backing the new federal government campaign. Picture: Alex Towle

Ms Contos said it was “extremely exciting” to be involved in an initiative she hoped would help adults raise the next generation with ­“accurate and positive messaging” about consent.

The federal government campaign, which aims to reduce sexual violence, will run for 12 months.
The federal government campaign, which aims to reduce sexual violence, will run for 12 months.

Ms Contos said consent education was a vital component of tackling the complex issue of sexual violence.

Social Services Minister Amanda Rishworth and Teach Us Consent founder Chanel Contos. Picture: NCA Newswire/Gaye Gerard
Social Services Minister Amanda Rishworth and Teach Us Consent founder Chanel Contos. Picture: NCA Newswire/Gaye Gerard

Social Services Minister Amanda Rishworth said the campaign was a key part of the federal government’s commitment to ending gender-based violence in a generation.

A $40 million consent campaign is rolling out across television, online, social media and cinema to educate adults about the topic and teach them how to start conversations with young people.
A $40 million consent campaign is rolling out across television, online, social media and cinema to educate adults about the topic and teach them how to start conversations with young people.

“Government research found while three in four consider consent an important topic, one in two adults were conflicted in their understanding.

Ms Rishworth said the educational resources are designed to help adults start conversations that might otherwise have felt uncomfortable.

“This national campaign encourages people to learn more about consent, talk about it with other adults, and ultimately build a shared community understanding of the topic for the benefit of the next generation,” she said.

Assistant Minister for the Prevention of Family Violence Justine Elliot said getting clear messages through to young people was critical to achieving a cultural shift.

“There’s a lot of contradictory messages and myths around consent, so it’s vital that we provide clarity and consistency on the messaging,” she said.

If this story has raised issues for you, please consider reaching out for support. You can call Lifeline on 13 11 14 or the NSW Sexual Violence Helpline on 1800 424 017.

Originally published as Chanel Contos backs new $40 million Australian consent campaign

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