

Tom Tate: Why CCC boss should stand down and be investigated

The chairman of the Crime and Corruption Commission must stand down while being investigated, writes Gold Coast Mayor Tom Tate who has called for a drastic shake-up.

Australia's Court System

WHO is the puppet and who’s pulling the strings?

In the last week, our community has witnessed events that should worry every Gold Coaster and every Queenslander.

In 2019, the CCC charged all seven Logan City councillors with fraud, a so-called “integrity offence” under the Local Government Act.

The Local Government Minister then stood them all down, the council was sacked and the City of Logan’s reputation as a place to live and invest was tarnished.

Tate labelled ‘vulgar’ after urging CCC boss to ‘stand down’

Gold Coast Mayor Tom Tate. Picture: Jerad Williams
Gold Coast Mayor Tom Tate. Picture: Jerad Williams


Two years passed as the Logan Seven awaited their fate in a criminal court. All this occurred following an investigation run by the CCC. Decisions were made based on subsequent advice put forward by the CCC.

Last week, all charges were dropped. No apology. No compensation. Nothing. Just the lives, reputations, careers and professional standing of the Logan Seven left in tatters. Not to mention the millions in legal fees the public has dished out.

The CCC has refused to apologise and the Chair of the CCC has refused to stand down. It appears he has refused to even acknowledge the blatant failings of his own commission.

That is what every resident needs to be very concerned about.

We all make mistakes. I’m the first one to admit that with some of my clumsy public comments.

Admitting to our failings - and seeking to better our character - is what makes better individuals and organisations.

Alan MacSporran QC, CCC Chairman. Photographer: Liam Kidston
Alan MacSporran QC, CCC Chairman. Photographer: Liam Kidston


In the case of the CCC, it would make for a better commission if the Chair could overcome his ego and admit that his actions have irreparably damaged lives.

His actions have, in my view, seriously damaged any confidence the people of Queensland had in his independent commission, funded by taxpayers to the tune of $54 million a year.

I have no intention of engaging in a public slanging match with the CCC Chair. These recent events have done him enough damage without me needing to add to it.

And frankly, the community is tired of witnessing politics being played out in this manner.

The only way to instil any confidence in the community is to immediately stand down the Chair and open up the commission to a truly independent review, separate from the State Government.

That call has come loud and clear from the Local Government Association of Queensland and cannot be ignored.

I can assure the Premier that the LGAQ won’t be letting this matter go away. To do so will only serve to reinforce the strong public perception that the CCC are the metaphorical puppeteers – and every other level of government including the Premier – are the puppets.

If it was my decision, I’d have 100 packing boxes arriving at the door of the CCC Chair today so he can be removed from having any perceived influence over the investigation that must surely now take place.

Originally published as Tom Tate: Why CCC boss should stand down and be investigated

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