
Brisbane City Council racks up $325k bill to travel overseas on Olympic and Paralympic business

Brisbane ratepayers have so far forked out $325,000 for council staff to travel overseas on Olympic and Paralympic business.

Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner hands down Brisbane City Council’s budget. Picture: Richard Walker
Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner hands down Brisbane City Council’s budget. Picture: Richard Walker

Brisbane ratepayers have forked out $325,000 for council staff to travel overseas on Olympic and Paralympic Games business over the past three years.
That is despite Brisbane City Council being responsible for just one of ten Olympic and Paralympic planning programs.

Seven staff have collectively racked up a $200,000 international travel bill over three years including former chief executive Colin Jensen, Games committee chair Cr Krista Adams, chief city planner Dyan Currie and legacy manager Rebecca Arnaud.

Cr Krista Adams.
Cr Krista Adams.

It comes after the this week council announced an average rate hike of 3.8 per cent.

Opposition leader Jared Cassidy said council was splashing cash on overseas trips to effectively learn where to pick up rubbish during 2032.

“What’s even more baffling is that this budget saw $189,000 cut to Host Cities and Strategic Partnerships work in council,” he said.

“They’re cutting Olympic related items within council but still funding overseas trips for politicians.”

Trips taken by councillors and staff over the three years include a $14,000 trip to Pamplona and Paris by new general manager Dylan Currie to “attend meetings and events”.

Others include a $22,000 trip to Greece where Ms Arnaud and Cr Adams discussed legacy options.

Cr Andrew Wines.
Cr Andrew Wines.

Cr Andrew Wines was also sent to Dubai to represent Brisbane at the Olympic and Paralympic Expo, costing ratepayers more than $10,000.

A further $123,000 will be spent sending five staff to the Paris Olympic and Paralympic Games next month.

A council spokesperson defended the spending, saying it was important that Brisbane learned from other host cities.

“Just like the state government, and Gold Coast and Sunshine Coast councils, Brisbane will also be represented at the 2024 Paris Games,” they said.

“Along with being the main host city, Brisbane will also be home to many venues during the 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games so it’s important we learn from other host cities to ensure we can contribute to planning the best games ever.

“Just like all host cities, council will play a significant role ensuring Brisbane is ready for the 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games.”

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