What are the potential benefits of water fasting?
In the short term, fasting can be uncomfortable, producing hunger pangs, physical weakness, irritability, and fatigue. But a growing body of data suggests it may be worth pushing through these initial side effects, as some forms (primarily intermittent fasting and caloric restriction) can trigger a range of feel-good effects, if done safely.
#1. Metabolic Health
During a fast, insulin levels drop, the body shifts from burning glucose to fat for energy, and the production of ketones goes up.
In turn, this metabolic cascade can lead to increased insulin sensitivity, better cholesterol and triglyceride levels, and lower blood pressure.
#2. Weight Loss
Many people fast to drop weight, a health claim that’s backed up by a solid body of data. For people who struggle to stick to a particular diet, intermittent fasting can be a simple way to create a calorie deficit and improve body composition.
#3. Gut Health
Some claim that fasting can “reset” the gut, give the digestive system a break, and overhaul the gut microbiome—but there haven’t been enough long-term studies to support this potential benefit. In theory, fasting might decrease intestinal permeability, reduce gut inflammation, and modify the gut microbiota, ultimately benefiting conditions like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), Crumble Smith explains. More investigation is needed to confirm this claim.
#4. Longevity
Recent studies, mostly in animals, suggest that fasting and calorie restriction may help people live longer, healthier. Fasting can kickstart autophagy (the body’s cellular cleanup process), decrease oxidative stress, and improve genomic stability—all of which combine to induce this longevity effect, Crumble Smith explains. Still, more long-term studies on humans are needed to unravel fasting’s effect on longevity.
Beyond these physiological shifts, some say that fasting can be a “spiritual detox” and spark mental clarity. These effects are highly variable and subjective, and haven’t been found consistently in clinical trials.
Social media forums are packed with dramatic before and after photos, as well as a diverse range of testimonials. Some fasters describe astonishing effects like shifted brain chemistry, reduced cravings, and improved digestion. While others recall headaches, chills, brain fog, and fatigue.