
Bachelor star Matt Agnew opens up why he will never go on reality TV again after shock split

Former Bachelor Australia star Matt Agnew says he is still ‘picking up the pieces’ and struggling to cope months on from his shock split with show winner Chelsie McLeod.

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He went searching for love on national television as The Bachelor with high hopes. But astrophysicist Matt Agnew has been picking up the pieces ever since news broke of his split with winner Chelsie McLeod. Months on, he’s hoping to move on and shares his thoughts on love, life and beyond.

You’ve thrown yourself into work since The Bachelor wrapped. What are you up to now?

I’m working as a data scientist at the moment with Quantium, a consultancy firm that provides data-driven solutions to a number of different companies.
I did have a research opportunity in Germany but
I wanted to stay in Australia. I’ve done a bit of science outreach before but in my last 12 months, since entering the TV world, I do have a much larger reach and audience than I did beforehand.

Former Bachelor Australia star Matt Agnew on life after the reality television show. Picture: Josh Woning/AAP Image
Former Bachelor Australia star Matt Agnew on life after the reality television show. Picture: Josh Woning/AAP Image

How did you get into science?

I remember being given a project in Grade four and
I could build anything I wanted. My mum, who is into science and maths, suggested I do it on NASA’s Pathfinder mission to Mars. I had no idea what it was but I remember seeing this spacecraft that had been launched to another planet and a robot was taking photos and sending them back to Earth. You can imagine a 10-year-old kid thinking it was the most amazing thing. Ever since, I was hooked on science.

You’ve had a big year. Has the dust settled on your break-up with Chelsie?

I’m still healing if I’m being completely honest. I’m not someone who can bounce back particularly quickly but every day, you make another step and keep moving in the right direction. All up, from the beginning of filming until we ended, it was about nine months. It was only public knowledge for a much shorter time so there was a much stronger bond than maybe the public was aware of. It was a really deep relationship; it is hard and it does hurt.

What led to the break-up?

I was certainly happy with the choice I made (picking Chelsie). I don’t have any regrets about my decision. But obviously, it didn’t work out the way I wanted.
I wanted to have a really successful loving relationship. There is a still a lot of affection and care there for one another but as healthy functioning adults, you know when things aren’t quite working. That’s a really sad and hard decision to make but it’s one you do have to make. You try and do it in the most compassionate way you can with one another. It’s hard. Breakups suck and nobody enjoys them.

Matt Agnew with Bachelor winner and now ex-girlfriend Chelsie McLeod
Matt Agnew with Bachelor winner and now ex-girlfriend Chelsie McLeod

Do you have contact with Chelsie now?

There were some discussions after the break-up but
I think for both of us, part of that healing process is trying to have some space. Breakups are hard at the best of times and when you put that layer of public scrutiny and public commentary on top of that, it takes it to the next level.

How did you cope with the backlash?

I tried to avoid it. I had a friend basically take the reins of my Instagram because I knew no matter what, someone would be upset that I’d done the wrong thing. Nobody knows the relationship and they don’t know how we were going or all of the intricacies. There were criticisms and backlash and you’ve just got to shrug it off and not let it sink in.

Have you reached out to anyone from the show since filming wrapped?

No, I haven’t had any correspondence with anyone other than Chelsie. Obviously, that’s the person I picked and that’s the person I tried to make a really lovely relationship with. I’m bound to bump into people and if that happens, I’d be more than polite. I’m not going to have any interactions, largely out of respect for Chelsie and the relationship that we had.

Are you looking for love now?

I’m still taking time for myself, I don’t bounce back from relationships quickly. I’m still looking for the same things I said I was looking for but I need some time to get myself right. I’m still picking up the pieces. When I’m ready, obviously, I’d be open to hopefully meeting the right person again. In the immediate future I need a bit longer to take care of myself. It has been very tough and I hope people understand it is a really hard situation.

If you knew back then what you do now, would you have gone on the show?

I don’t have any regrets but you could not pay me enough money in the world to go on reality TV again. It’s been very much a baptism by fire and I think the biggest problem is social media.

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