
Picture of popular Easter chocolate proves we might have to skip Easter

Like everything else, chocolate has gotten more expensive this year. But is this going a tad too far? 

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There’s no doubt that Easter can be an expensive time of year.

Like everything else, chocolate isn’t as cheap as it used to be!

But, one Aussie shopper has taken to social media in shock after seeing the price tag on a Lindt bunny, and yeah, I’ll be passing on this one.

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Image: Reddit.
Image: Reddit.

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A Melbourne Reddit user has taken to the platform after spotting an obscenely priced Lindt bunny at their local supermarket.

“Inflation cometh to chocolate,” the post said.

“Complete with security tag!!! #freethebunny.”

On first look, it may look like any other regular bunny. But, it’s actually a whopping 1kg - and will set you back $120.

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“Who on earth is buying these?”

Commenters on the post were equally as shocked to see the price of the bunny, which retails for $135 on the Lindt website, and $170 at Myer, asking who would buy it.

“Who on earth is buying these?” one person said.

“Wait.. $120 for a kilo? Am I reading that right?” said another.

“Who the hell is buying this,” a third person asked.

“‘Hey kids, turns out Easter is the week after the long weekend this year’,” another commented.

“Inflation and low cocoa levels or not, this is a dumb thing to buy”

Some even pointed out that the price doesn’t even make it good value, comparing it to smaller chocolates which would add up to less.

“Lindt chocolate blocks 100g go for $6-7 supermarkets,” one person said.

“I looked it up and every shop around is selling the 1kg bun for $120-$130. Which is weird bcs the 100g ones are like, $8, so its cheaper to buy 10 of those than 1 of these?” another person pointed out.

“4 x 250g blocks of Whittakers will set you back like $32. Buying this stupid bunny is just setting your money on fire. Inflation and low cocoa levels or not this is a dumb thing to buy,” a third person said.

Originally published as Picture of popular Easter chocolate proves we might have to skip Easter

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