
My 4yo has a beautiful, classic name but already hates it

"She has no idea how bad names can get these days - she's lucky!"

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In a world where one mum called her baby Holden Commodore, you'd think that a beautiful, classic name would be appreciated.

Well, in this tale, it is - just not by the little girl whom it belongs to.

Now, her frustrated mum has posted about it online.

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"My daughter doesn't like her name"

Writing in an online parenting forum, username Escalus90, shared that her four-year-old hates her name and refuses to accept that's what she's called.

The mum explains: "I read the name in a novel and I absolutely loved it from a young age. 

"So when I had a daughter I named her Philomena.

"We call her 'Pippa' and she insists her name is 'Pippa'. She is not Philomena."

The daughter's attitude has made the mum re-think the name. She finally asks, "Did I make a mistake calling her Philomena?"

She caveats her question with: "I still love the name. I don't think it's weird. It's spelled properly and it's not absurd."

The woman also had a two-year-old son, who she had named Malcolm, but his nickname was ‘Macko’. 

The mum-of-two admitted she had a "really hard time" naming her kids and "didn’t want them [to be] super common."

"I also didn't want them weird," she remarked. "Do you think Philomena is weird?"

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Her name is a big deal to this little girl. Image: iStock
Her name is a big deal to this little girl. Image: iStock

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"At least they are real names for once"

Parents had a lot of opinions in the comments.

One wrote, "At least they are real names for once so this isn't that bad."

Another commented: "Both Philomena and Malcolm are super old-fashioned. Never hear Pippa for Philomena but all fine names I think."

And a third shared, "A friend named her daughter this (family name) and she mostly goes by nicknames. I think it's beautiful though."

This commenter tried to reassure the mum:

"Nothing is wrong with the name.  think the kid hates it the same way I hated my old-timey name my whole childhood and teenage-hood, Agatha, so much that I never go by it."

Finally, there was this very direct opinion: "She's four and it's a name that's a b**** to learn to write.

"Just call her by the nickname she likes and see what happens."

What do you think of using classic names? Tell us in the comments on Facebook!

Originally published as My 4yo has a beautiful, classic name but already hates it

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