
Wife of Brisbane doctor who died in his office issues note explaining his death to help others

THE wife of a Brisbane doctor who took his own life in his office earlier this month has told of his tragic plight in an email that has since gone viral.

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THE family of a Brisbane doctor who took his own life have made an impassioned plea for the professional community to talk more openly about mental illness.

Father-of-four Dr Andrew Bryant died in his office last week after more than 20 years working as a gastroenterologist at his private practice and public hospitals in Brisbane.

Dr Bryant’s death shocked family and friends, and prompted his wife Susan to write an email, which has since gone viral, to his colleagues and friends about his suicide because she “(doesn’t) want it to be a secret”.

“He hadn’t been sleeping well since late February; but he was never a great sleeper,” she wrote.

“He was very busy with work; but he had always been busy.

“In retrospect, the signs were all there. But I didn’t see it coming.

“He was a doctor; he was surrounded by health professionals every day; both his parents were psychiatrists, two of his brothers are doctors, his sister is a psychiatric nurse — and none of them saw it coming either.”

Dr Andrew Bryant with his daughter Charlotte and his wife Susan on Charlotte's graduation day. Picture: Supplied
Dr Andrew Bryant with his daughter Charlotte and his wife Susan on Charlotte's graduation day. Picture: Supplied

Ms Bryant’s message has since gone viral online.

“People are saying it was a courageous email but honestly it wasn’t … it all came about because I didn’t want to keep facing questions about how he died from people who didn’t know,” she said.

Ms Bryant’s passionate email was posted online by her son John and has since been viewed and shared thousands of times.

“I thought it was going to go to 20 people … it’s just so extraordinary.

“I have absolutely no desire to be an internet sensation but if Andrew’s death and the way he died can help anyone, I think he’d be proud, and the kids are proud,” she said.

In the email Ms Bryant explained how her husband had “never before suffered from depression”.

“If more people talked about what leads to suicide, if people didn’t talk about as if it was shameful, if people understood how easily and how quickly depression can take over, then there might be fewer deaths,” she wrote.

“His four children and I are not ashamed of how he died.”

Dr Andrew Bryant with his children when they were young. From left, Alex, John and Charlotte. Picture: Supplied
Dr Andrew Bryant with his children when they were young. From left, Alex, John and Charlotte. Picture: Supplied

Ms Bryant said her husband didn’t know what was going on with his own health despite being a doctor.

Dr Andrew Bryant with his children when they were young. From left, Alex, John and Charlotte. Picture: Supplied.
Dr Andrew Bryant with his children when they were young. From left, Alex, John and Charlotte. Picture: Supplied.

She said she had urged Dr Bryant to seek help for his sleeping problems but he was “non-committal”.

“I urged him to go and see someone about his sleeping but he was non-committal.

“He continued to see patients, do lists, go to work, get home late.

Ms Bryant said since the email was posted online she has received dozens of messages thanking her for speaking up.

“It’s a huge problem in the medical profession and I’ve been contacted by so many doctors, particularly those who have had a colleague die by suicide.

“It’s like I’ve scratched the surface … people have contact me and said they were never allowed to talk about a suicide because it’s still such a taboo subject,” she said.

Ms Bryant said she hoped her email would help more people in medicine open up about mental health.

“Retrospect is a wonderful thing, but the warning signs were there I just didn’t know at the time.

“I have already had three people say to me that they forwarded this email to someone and it has helped them and I think that’s fantastic,” she said.

Preventing youth suicide

Anyone across Australia experiencing a personal crisis or thinking about suicide can contact Lifeline, confidentially, on 13 11 14.

If you are in an emergency, or at immediate risk of harm to yourself or others, please contact emergency services on 000. To talk to someone at Beyond Blue call 1300 659 467

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