REVEALED: Region’s best primary school teacher voted by you
OVER 400 votes were cast and the winner of this year’s best primary school teacher won by a single vote: MEET THE WINNER HERE:
OVER 400 votes were cast and the winner of this year’s best primary school teacher won by a single vote: MEET THE WINNER HERE:
Ahead of the festive season, police are urging drivers to stay safe so their Christmas isn‘t ruined by a loved one dying in a car crash.
For the first time in seven years, a Burnett festival has been cancelled due to economic pressure as a result of COVID-19.
Led by the Central Queensland Regional Arts Network, three Wide Bay Councils have contributed to a new regional arts program that will deliver new events across the Burnett.
A Burnett man has escaped uninjured after a couple of beers at the pub left him and his car wedged into a tree off the D’Aguilar Highway in Nanango.
A Nanango woman was caught by police doing 134km/h in a 100km/h zone while over the general alcohol limit with a suspended drivers licence.
A Nanango man is lucky to be alive after getting behind the wheel heavily intoxicated and smashing a car into a tree.
AFTER hundreds of votes were cast, five finalist have gone in the running to win the prestigious title of the South Burnett’s best primary teacher. VOTE NOW:
A Nanango woman has avoided time behind bars after assaulting her children, including suffocating one boy with a bag of meat and choking another.
AFTER speaking to numerous experts in the mental health field, it has become clear the mental health system is failing people in the Burnett region.
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