Wind farm planning rules crackdown in renewables regulation overhaul
Under a new development code wind farm proposals will be subject to mandatory impact assessments, requiring developers to consult with local councils, communities and stakeholders.
Under a new development code wind farm proposals will be subject to mandatory impact assessments, requiring developers to consult with local councils, communities and stakeholders.
Two frontrunners have emerged in the race to replace Brisbane’s deputy mayor, Krista Adams, as council tries to quash rumours she is set to make a major new political move.
Deputy Premier Jarrod Bleijie has walked back on a commitment to finishing the Sunshine Coast Rail through to Maroochydore by 2032 saying the projected $20bn figures for it are “alarming”.
An explosive submission to the Olympic and Paralympic review board, obtained by The Courier-Mail, reveals the true cost of the Sunshine Coast rail would have ballooned to $20bn.
It can be revealed Infrastructure Australia was requested to put stages of the Sunshine Coast Rail on its priority list two months ago, as Queensland Mayors rage over local project cuts.
A war of words has erupted after Jarrod Bleijie accused the Albanese government of shunning Queenslanders by cutting 20 projects from a funding priority list. SEE WHAT’S BEEN CUT
Despite repeated promises of transparency, the Crisafulli Government has neglected to release cabinet documents, as mandated by the landmark Coaldrake Review.
Parents are being urged to enrol their kids in sport this year as the state government attempts to future-proof Queensland’s next generation of Olympians.
The head of a Queensland University that hosted a symposium ridiculing Jewish Australians as “Dutton’s Jew” has apologised for the “hurt and offence’’ it caused.
An investigation is under way after Australia Day was removed from government calendars. It comes as the Premier urges Queenslanders to avoid ‘weaponising’ January 26 amid protest plans.
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