Qld home price bombshell: SEQ medians race to staggering $1m
Shock new figures show it now costs about $1m to buy a mid-range home in vast tracts of South East Queensland, with other parts of the state also seeing major growth spikes.
Shock new figures show it now costs about $1m to buy a mid-range home in vast tracts of South East Queensland, with other parts of the state also seeing major growth spikes.
The last of Australia’s big four banks has had a sudden change of heart, pulling a rate cut move that will see homeowners save hundreds of dollars.
Renters are finally able to breathe a sigh of relief as the sting comes out of price surges in the majority of Australia’s rental markets.
Shocking new figures show renters in Queensland’s regions copped the biggest rises in the country in 2024, with weekly rents on track to overtake Brisbane.
If the walls of this private estate could talk, they’d reveal outstanding secrets that help it earn double the average wage.
A quirky house has hit the market at just $45,000 – half the average wage – separated by a waterway from suburbs favoured by richlisters and celebrities.
Mere hours remain for hundreds of buyers keen on an entire town that went viral priced like a capital city house.
Experts have revised warnings for homeowners as shock new research shows just how much pain mortgage holders are now under.
Around 300 people have a fire damaged Brisbane house on their real estate sale watchlist as property demand in the Queensland capital rages on.
A richlister has snapped up a Queensland holiday home for $22.5m and made it available for the experience of a lifetime.
Original URL: https://www.couriermail.com.au/journalists/sophie-foster/page/2