Old house on double block sells for $21.5m in QLD’s hottest market
A rundown house and pool on a beachfront double block on the has sold for 20 times what the owner paid for it 26 years ago.
A rundown house and pool on a beachfront double block on the has sold for 20 times what the owner paid for it 26 years ago.
A Queensland property that comes with its very own salt cave has hit the market – believed to be one of only six such rooms in the state.
With the rental market tighter than ever, we reveal where first-time investors are looking to grow their cash and why.
Savvy investors are leaving the volatility of the share market behind and looking to plough their hard earned into property in a post-pandemic bid to grow their money.
Twelve of Australia’s top 20 investor hot spots are located in Queensland, and they range from inner city unit markets to affordable house suburbs and sought-after resort towns.
Queensland is the nation’s top spot for investors, and it is easy to see why, with entire units complexes going for considerably less than old houses and crumbling terraces in Sydney.
With the rental market tighter than ever, we reveal where first-time investors are looking to grow their cash and why.
This absolute beachfront house less than 10km from a major Queensland city has priceless views, but has just sold for a fraction of the cost of a similar property down south.
The great migration to regional Queensland has put the squeeze on housing and essential services, with a report highlighting the ‘gaps’ in infrastructure across the state. >>What we need now!
Affordable towns and suburbs across Queensland have emerged as the shining stars of the property boom, with strong growth markets now emerging in some unlikely places.
Original URL: https://www.couriermail.com.au/journalists/samantha-healy/page/62