Richlister’s ‘surplus’ recordbreaking home up for sale
A richlist developer, who smashed a record buying a riverfront home during the pandemic, has decided to sell as it’s ‘surplus’ to his needs.
A richlist developer, who smashed a record buying a riverfront home during the pandemic, has decided to sell as it’s ‘surplus’ to his needs.
It has unspoilt beaches, rainforest, bush tracks and island views, and for three days I got to experience it first hand. It is for sale but I would rather keep it a secret. Here’s why!
Nearly half of Aussie adults have been unable to pay their rent or mortgage over the past year, and were forced to skip meals or healthcare to make ends meet.
A shocking 3 million Aussies are now at risk of a grim future after a fresh report showed what most would never think would happen to them.
Home values have soared by up to 30 per cent in every Qld federal electorate since 2022, with housing tipped to be a key concern for every voter. Search your electorate.
The average home loan is roughly the same as the Prime Minister’s huge base salary, but that’s done little to quell the Australia’s appetite for property.
Affordable housing is tipped to be a key issue in the lead-up to the Federal election, with analysis showing that home prices in every Qld electorate have soared by up to 30 per cent since 2022.
A revamped timber cottage, a warehouse in an industrial precinct and a house still in style almost 25 years after it was completed were among 35 winners at the National Architecture Awards.
Queensland’s own ‘The White House’ is under offer, with the US version expected to have its own landlord installed within days. And the Aussie version even has its own ‘West Wing’.
A historic outback pub dating back to 1897 has entered liquidation, and not the refreshing amber kind.
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