Stepdad’s last warning after threatening to kill boy
The magistrate described the offending as ‘a very disturbing set of facts’
The magistrate described the offending as ‘a very disturbing set of facts’
A GREYHOUND trainer supplied prescription painkillers to a known drug dealer because she needed money to feed her greyhounds.
AN ANGRY man who slapped a police officer in a midnight outburst was arrested and put in the back of a security police pod.
Fare evaders grabbed as they leave railway stations.
A NEW television set that was delivered to the door went walkabout by the time the owners had arrived home.
CANNABIS leaves on the barbeque, a dope plant in a pot, and a bullet in a fake gun landed Daniel Linney back in jail.
TRAIN passenger Bradley Richards’ excuse for not having a ticket or go card was that he barely had enough money to survive on.
A THIEF who targeted a car dealership has been jailed for 18 months and disqualified from driving for 2 ½ years.
A FORMER Australian sports representative has been jailed after admitting he sexually assaulted his wife’s little sister for almost a decade.
A female in a black hoodie was seen to remove it.
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