Bullying contributed to robodebt green light, commission hears
A former social services executive has claimed fear, intimidation and workplace bullying stopped her from expressing concerns about the way the robodebt scheme was being handled.
A former social services executive has claimed fear, intimidation and workplace bullying stopped her from expressing concerns about the way the robodebt scheme was being handled.
A constitutional law expert’s advice to senior public servants that there were serious legal problems with robodebt was ignored, the royal commission into the scheme has heard.
A former high-ranking legal bureaucrat has told a Royal Commission questions about the legality of the Centrelink robodebt scheme had been raised as far back as 2014.
The LNP says it will make it far easier for magistrates to put juvenile offenders behind bars if its wins power next year, as it announces a Newman Government-style youth crime policy.
A Queensland coal mine is fearing massive job losses are on the horizon as a 16 year approval process hits another stumbling block.
A popular Queensland fishing company that has operated for over a century and developed a global reputation for its fishing reels has changed hands.
The romanticism that many Australians feel about Aboriginal communities can be challenged when actually confronted with the often terrifying reality, writes Michael Madigan.
The underlying reasons for The Battle of Brisbane remain in contention to this day, 80 years after the event that left the city’s streets a bloodbath of seething racism, sexism and violence
Twelve long years in the making, the approval of the controversial New Acland Mine extension means a region where the unemployment rate is around 5.5 per cent is about to receive a $1bn adrenaline shot into the economy with 600 jobs on offer.
Anthony Albanese says the federal government wants a critical piece of Queensland infrastructure built as soon as possible, despite it being overlooked in the budget.
Original URL: https://www.couriermail.com.au/journalists/michael-madigan/page/11