Dastyari had to go, but China the bigger issue
SAM Dastyari wasn’t the disease, he was merely the symptom of China’s systematic meddling in the affairs of foreign countries, writes James Morrow.
SAM Dastyari wasn’t the disease, he was merely the symptom of China’s systematic meddling in the affairs of foreign countries, writes James Morrow.
PARENTS should have a reasonable expectation that when they send their children to school, they will not be seduced by their teachers — and that if that does happen, the law will step in and act. But a bizaare legal loophole has helped a teacher avoid jail for just that.
IF the group protesting Coca-Cola’s Christmas trucks for threatening “vulnerable communities” were truly serious, they’d ban Christmas entirely, writes James Morrow.
A PUSH to remove the word “mother” from maternity wards as the person in labour may identify as a man takes our PC obsession to a new level, writes James Morrow.
MANIPULATING emotions, love or hate, tends to end in disaster, writes James Morrow. Especially when they’re leveraged to try and win political debate.
THE PM has decided not to rip the citizenship Band-Aid off in one sharp yank. Instead, he has decided to pull it off slowly and painfully, writes James Morrow.
MANY are expressing outrage at Malcolm Turnbull’s decision to rule out an “indigenous voice to Parliament” as demanded in the Uluru Statement from the Heart. But this outrage ignores the fact that indigenous people already have their own voices.
CIVIL society does a much better job setting standards of behaviour than bureaucrats, writes James Morrow. Let’s start by allowing dogs in pubs.
AUTHORITIES had not even finished counting the dead from Monday night’s horror massacre outside the Mandalay Bay Hotel before the ghouls of the Left started scoring points off Las Vegas.
WINNING the war on terror? We’re not even trying, writes James Morrow. Bollards and bag searches amounts to fiddling while Rome burns.
Original URL: https://www.couriermail.com.au/journalists/james-morrow/page/109