How landlords will be able to get around once-a-year rent hike rule
It will still be possible for landlords to hike the rent on their property more than once a year under the Palaszczuk government’s rental reforms. Here’s how.
It will still be possible for landlords to hike the rent on their property more than once a year under the Palaszczuk government’s rental reforms. Here’s how.
Property developers who build affordable homes will receive a slew of tax concessions, the Queensland Government has revealed. QUESTION TIME BLOG
Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk has moved to cap the amount of times property owners and landlords can lift rents in Queensland. This is how it expected to work.
There are growing fears a vital Olympic and Paralympic Games infrastructure project will not be ready in time for the 2032 event, with the Premier on Monday refusing to put any sort of guarantee on the timeline.
Gabba officials have revealed exactly what happened when the stadium plunged into darkness during Friday night’s clash between the Lions and Demons.
Hundreds of children are among Brisbane’s homeless seeking help from stretched service providers, with the council warning there are often no places available for people to go.
LNP leader David Crisafulli has fired the starter’s gun on the 2024 state election – pledging to deliver on his promise to run women in half of the 14 most winnable seats for the party at next year’s poll.
Nearly 1000 Queensland public servants were sacked in 2021-22, up from fewer than 100 in the previous year, it can be revealed.
As the Broncos-Dolphins blockbuster looms Queensland’s local ministers have declared their allegiances – except one.
Criminals who commit offences motivated by prejudice could cop extra jail time of up to three years under the Palaszczuk government’s crackdown on hate crimes.
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