Beware: Insurance won’t cover NZ trips in event of outbreak
Queenslanders looking to a holiday in NZ have been warned that many travel insurance providers are not covering cancellations relating to border closures.
Queenslanders looking to a holiday in NZ have been warned that many travel insurance providers are not covering cancellations relating to border closures.
Cars were swept away and residents confined by flooded roads when a 280mm deluge blindsided Queenslanders in the state’s southeast.
Schoolteacher Carly Reily has lost 22kg in less than a year, revealing her “moment of truth” was when a student asked her if she was having another baby.
The State Government has not used the Federal Government’s $5.8m COVIDSafe app to help manage Queensland’s latest virus clusters.
An Ipswich aged care home now has more food for the Easter weekend than it did before after the community rallied to help following a burglary.
While travellers to the Sunshine Coast have battled Good Friday gridlock, it’s been a different story on the drive south to the Gold Coast.
After three crashes within 10km caused traffic headaches between Brisbane and the Gold Coast, traffic has eased for the evening.
The uncertainty around whether Brisbane’s lockdown would be lifted on Thursday evening smoked Proof BBQ’s chance of trading for a week.
Guests have been snapped leaning over balconies and sharing items at the quarantine hotel at the centre of a previous outbreak.
An “absolute ghost town” is how a coffee shop owner described Brisbane CBD on day one of a three-day lockdown.
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