
Our Journalists

Antonia O'Flaherty
Antonia O'FlahertyEducation reporter

Antonia O’Flaherty is an education reporter for The Courier-Mail and Sunday Mail. Antonia was previously a graduate journalist with a background in crime and general reporting at a regional daily newspaper in NSW. Antonia received a Clarion award for her work on the Sunday Mail’s Bush Baby Crisis campaign.


Regional news
St Mary’s College and St Mary’s Primary School will remain open after St Edmund’s College closed on Tuesday due to a positive COVID-19 case. The three schools are located in the same precinct.

Dozens of students visited COVID-hit school for orientation day

Parents at a college on Brisbane’s northside have been warned to be alert to symptoms of coronavirus in their children after a sporting match against an Ipswich school where a student tested positive for COVID-19. It comes amid revelations students from five other schools also attended the campus for an orientation day. 

Tertiary pathways, istock.

Teachers to vote over boycotting NAPLAN test

Queensland powerful teachers union will next week vote over whether to boycott NAPLAN in 2021 after the Federal Government has doubled-down on keeping the testing, thwarting the proposed overhaul of the controversial assessment.

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