
Our Journalists

Antonia O'Flaherty
Antonia O'FlahertyEducation reporter

Antonia O’Flaherty is an education reporter for The Courier-Mail and Sunday Mail. Antonia was previously a graduate journalist with a background in crime and general reporting at a regional daily newspaper in NSW. Antonia received a Clarion award for her work on the Sunday Mail’s Bush Baby Crisis campaign.


Forgan Smith building, The University of Queensland. Picture: Supplied

New UQ free speech controversy

After committing to free speech after the suspension of activist Drew Pavlou, a student at the University of Queensland has been a told a term he used in an assignment suggested “patriarchal politics” and went against its “inclusive language” policy.

RendezView. Party lights background. Dancefloor.

‘High-risk’ Brisbane school disco cancelled

A Brisbane primary school’s “COVID SAFE DISCO” planned for Thursday despite a statewide ban on dancing has been called off by the Department of Education after concerned parents spoke out over the “stupid” event.

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