NAME AND SHAME: Rocky’s drink and drug-drivers
Here’s the names of those found guilty this week.
Here’s the names of those found guilty this week.
The 14-year-old threatened to stab the victim if she didn’t hand over her car keys.
He has suffered a shoulder injury.
The 40-year-old Rockhampton man was jailed after pleading guilty to 16 charges in court.
Greens announce plan to buy back privately-owned car parks at public hospitals across Queensland.
She hit her partner with a ratchet strap, causing a minor abrasion.
He was also allegedly involved in a burglary where he forcibly gained entry to another person’s home.
They are believed to have suffered minor injuries.
Catch up on the biggest stories from the last 24 hours.
‘It’s vital council helps to maximise nesting success and hatchling survival.’
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