
Gay law a political stunt, says LNP

GAY couples are being used as pawns by the Bligh Government to secure Deputy Premier Andrew Fraser's future, the State Opposition has claimed.

Andrew Fraser
Andrew Fraser

GAY couples are being used as pawns by the Bligh Government to secure Deputy Premier Andrew Fraser's future, the State Opposition has claimed.

The LNP yesterday insisted Mr Fraser's introduction of a private member's Bill to recognise gay and lesbian unions was a "political stunt" to help win Green preferences in his Mt Coot-tha electorate.

Almost one in four Mt Coot-tha voters backed the Greens at the 2009 state election and Mr Fraser is likely to need support from the Greens at this election to stand any chance of retaining his seat.

Federal Greens policy has long advocated same-sex marriage and legalising civil unions in Queensland is the farthest step the Bligh Government can take in support, with only the Federal Government able to change the Marriage Act.

LNP leader Jeff Seeney yesterday accused Mr Fraser of altering traditional parliament standing orders to rush the Bill for his own political imperative.

"This Parliament is not a forum for cheap political stunts to save the Treasurer's seat," said Mr Seeney, who was backed by Independents Rob Messenger, Dolly Pratt and Aidan McLindon.

But Mr Fraser dismissed that as a "simplistic view that denies the reality" and said growing public support showed "the time is now" for change.

He was applauded by gay rights activist Shelley Argent, who said the important step forward would give the gay community "hope that they will be seen as equal".

But Presbyterian Church of Queensland clerk of assembly Reverend Ron Clark denounced civil union as "anti-biblical" and "contrary to Christianity".

The decision is also likely to drive a wedge between the conservatives, with LNP leader Campbell Newman personally supporting same-sex unions but much of his party vehemently opposed.

"Marriage is a sacred union between a man and a woman," Gregory MP Vaughan Johnson declared yesterday, as fellow LNP MP Ian Rickuss pretended to plant a kiss on his cheek.

The likely conscience vote could open just as many divisions for the ALP.

Premier Anna Bligh yesterday said her team would be given the chance to "exercise their conscience" on the issue but Mr Newman said it was too early to speculate on whether the LNP would follow suit.

Prime Minister Julia Gillard declined to back Mr Fraser's Bill and said she remained opposed to gay marriage.

Ms Gillard said the legislation would not affect the national debate on same-sex marriage even if it passed the Queensland Parliament.

"Of course it cannot change the federal Marriage Act," Ms Gillard said of the Queensland Bill.

The Prime Minister is rumoured to be preparing to announce a conscience vote on same-sex marriage in Federal Parliament, in a move that could defuse a stoush at the ALP national conference.

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