
Powderfinger guitarist Darren Middleton battled post-band blues to make debut solo record

Darren Middleton felt lost when Powderfinger broke up but finally realised his debut solo record thanks to some of Australia's biggest rockers

Darren Middleton, formerly of Powderfinger is launching his solo career. Picture: Mark Calleja
Darren Middleton, formerly of Powderfinger is launching his solo career. Picture: Mark Calleja

Darren Middleton got lost after Powderfinger. Not the good kind of lost.

Like anyone who finds himself without a day job after 20 years, he wasn't sure what to do next.

"I was bouncing off the walls. With my home life as well, it wasn't helping that situation, not being grounded," he says.

"I was so used to leaving, I wasn't used to being there, which I think causes all sorts of problems.

"But, the positive side of that is it's all fodder for songwriting."

Darren Middleton, formerly of Powderfinger is launching his solo career. Picture: Mark Calleja
Darren Middleton, formerly of Powderfinger is launching his solo career. Picture: Mark Calleja

The songwriter, who had explored another musical identity with his band Drag when Powderfinger had timeout took 18 months to figure out his next step. A producer mate suggested he finish some of the fragments of song ideas he already had demoed.

And hanging out with his mate Nic Cester, who was going through the same dilemma after Jet split, helped to steer his next musical direction.

"I needed a purpose so I gave myself one. It's a cliche but you do go through a period in your life where you start questioning a lot of things.

"A lot of that found its way on to the record so it's an honest account of that 18 months."

The record is Translations, his first solo album.

It didn't start off as a standard solo affair - Middleton started calling mates to sing his songs.

"I was going to get other people to sing the majority of it or at least have a lead role in the process," he says.

Something for Kate's Paul Dempsey, Pete Murray and Cester had other ideas.

After they recorded their vocals, all of them, with Dempsey the most passionate objector, told Middleton he should be singing his own songs.

They would contribute but it in the background, not up front.

"Pete Murray was the first to get involved and he sang the lead vocal on a song called Walk On By and it sounded like a Pete Murray song. Now he's gone from lead vocal, to back, back background," Middleton says laughing.

"Dempsey was the one who really told me to pull my finger out. He doesn't have to be overly physically forceful to be forceful. Because he's an intellectual giant, you tend to listen to him.

"It became a process of experimentation where all parties just kept telling me it would sound better if I did it. Everyone said, 'They are your songs, just do them'."

Clare Bowditch, Stonefield's Amy Findlay and You Am I's Davey Lane would also be enlisted to bring Translations to life.

The final collaborator was Bernard Fanning, enlisted to sing backing vocals on Lover's Shoes.

Middleton admits he was worried Fanning, who was also working on his solo album, Departures, at the time, might not think it was such a good idea.

His fears proved unfounded with his Powderfinger mate not only liking the song but the recording proving to be one of the most enjoyable sessions.

"Bernard was the last person I called in and there may have been a small - and unjustified - fear of rejection. I was holding off asking him," he says.

"He jumped at it and was over the moon to be involved.

"It was probably one of the happiest, most excitable moments of the album was having him involved. That song does feel personal because of him."

"Every time we play that song my wife Tamara says 'it's nice to hear you two doing something together again.'

Middleton says there has never been as much collaboration among Australian artists and the cross-pollination of ideas, genres and creative approaches will foster a renaissance for local music.

"It is such a commonplace thing overseas and in the past, not so much here. I don't know why, whether it has to do with being busy forging your own path," he says.

"These days, I particularly notice with guys from my era, that everyone wants to get their friends involved because why wouldn't you?

"There's no downside to it. It's fun for those involved and the music benefits.

"It doesn't feel competitive, even with younger artists. You push each other and you both learn."

HEAR Translations (INDEPENDENT) out tomorrow

SEE Darren Middleton, The Vanguard, Sydney, November 22; The Toff, Melbourne, November 23; Old Museum, Brisbane, November 29

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