
How the battle of Waterloo wounded Australian society

ABBA famously sang about Waterloo. But few realise how that brutal conflict impacted Australia — and still does to this day.

The confusing fog of conflict ... the Napoleonic Wars impacted Australians, both new arrivals and Indigenous inhabitants, in ways that still resonate today.
The confusing fog of conflict ... the Napoleonic Wars impacted Australians, both new arrivals and Indigenous inhabitants, in ways that still resonate today.

Napoleon’s final defeat in 1815 seems a world away from modern, mixed-race Australia. But, as JACKIE FRENCH explains of her new novel The Angel Of Waterloo, the trauma of that brutal European conflict left scars still visible today.

This is a book about the way we were: from Hen (never Henrietta) Barclay, a young female surgeon at the Battle of Waterloo, in the days when women weren’t recognised as doctors, to the indomitable convict Mrs Cook, creating a new, respectable identity in the NSW colony, to Elizabeth Bartlett, farmer, in the days when women were only “farmer’s wives”.

Charging into Australian history ... the Scots Greys’ cavalry charge against French infantry at Waterloo in 1815 was immortalised in this famous painting by Lady Elizabeth Butler.
Charging into Australian history ... the Scots Greys’ cavalry charge against French infantry at Waterloo in 1815 was immortalised in this famous painting by Lady Elizabeth Butler.

It’s drawn from the tales of my own family’s histories, their stories, letters and diaries.

Somehow it always seems to have been summer with apple cake, watermelon and lemon cordial when I remember Grandma’s stories, the ones passed down from her own ancestors, like the time Great-Great-Grandma fell into the river during her honeymoon in the Blue Mountains. Just as she was about to slide to her death over the waterfall, Great-Great-Grandpa hauled her out with the handle of his umbrella. All true gentlemen back then carried an umbrella, but few colonials in those days could swim.

But Great-Great-Grandma had been taught how to swim by the Indigenous women who were her friends and teachers. Grandma told me stories of women with dark skins teaching women with pale skins how to survive in water, sharing feasts of roast wild duck, boiled corn cobs and scones with bush honey, laughing and learning together.

From a Belgian battlefield to Australia ... The Angel of Waterloo by Jackie French
From a Belgian battlefield to Australia ... The Angel of Waterloo by Jackie French

It is vital we acknowledge the trauma and massacres of colonial Australia. But we must also remember that at some time, and in some places, Indigenous and colonial women were both close friends and mentors. Without Indigenous medical knowledge, flood warnings, instructions about how to make stringybark roofs and much else, colonial Australia may not have survived.

Those periods of mutual respect and friendship often didn’t last long. The sudden influx of so many strangers and the sheer magnitude of destruction of the gold rushes made widespread understanding of Indigenous knowledge difficult to share, even though in many cases it was Indigenous guides who showed prospectors where the gold deposits were.

Family stories shaped this book ... author Jackie French. Pic: Kelly Sturgiss
Family stories shaped this book ... author Jackie French. Pic: Kelly Sturgiss

The demand for food during the gold rushes also gave an opportunity for Indigenous families to establish small farms, and thus survive, and so much of that knowledge came from women. Few women, no matter what the colour of their skin, had their science recognised by the male establishment.

Family stories also led me back to the Battle of Waterloo, and how that bloodiest of battles, and the decades of war with France before it, shaped colonial policy. Years ago, I found myself explaining this to an academic friend, who took it up for a thesis: many colonial administrators and the men on their staff were ex-Napoleon War veterans. How could those men understand a culture where war had to cease at dusk so that there’d be no collateral damage to innocents or the land?

‘Blood and conquer’ ... French Cuirassiers charge Scottish Highlanders in defensive square at the Battle of Waterloo, as painted by Henri Felix Philippoteaux.
‘Blood and conquer’ ... French Cuirassiers charge Scottish Highlanders in defensive square at the Battle of Waterloo, as painted by Henri Felix Philippoteaux.

What would our society be like, if our administrators and many of the convicts had not come here steeped in the “blood and conquer” mentality of those war years? If there had been the treaties the British Colonial Office suggested but never enforced?

In just one example, Hen Barclay in The Angel of Waterloois introduced to an Indigenous pain-relief substance far superior to opioids. Ironically, just after the book went to print, I saw a research paper suggesting that the same substance might be used commercially to replace the opioids in western medicine that are so often addictive or deadly, or for people with certain genetic predispositions, ineffective. It took two centuries for that piece of Indigenous women’s knowledge to be taken seriously.

We may not have had last summer’s bushfire disasters if Indigenous land and fire management had been learned. That bushfire knowledge was and is not static – it adapts itself to the season and the vegetation type. To do this, you need to know a particular piece of land very well indeed, far removed from a “one size fits all” official fire management.

Our agriculture might be based on native foods only now being taken seriously and developed. Even the Aussie macadamia nut was originally commercially developed in Hawaii, not Australia. Quandong oil, the most extraordinarily wonderful skincare oil I have ever come across, needs Aussie summers of extreme dry heat and is semiparasitic. The massive and prolific bunya nuts, an Indigenous staple; luscious Atherton raspberries, far more prolific than the European ones but surviving greater extremes of temperature, as do several of the other native raspberries that grow on road verges here, are still only available to the few of us who hunt them out. You can feed a village in a bad season on bunya nuts – though anything underneath, from human to small car, may be squashed when they fall.

Stunning ... the cover image of Jackie’s new novel is the striking Girl In A Cocked Hat II, by UK artists Mary Jane Ansell. Reproduced with permission.
Stunning ... the cover image of Jackie’s new novel is the striking Girl In A Cocked Hat II, by UK artists Mary Jane Ansell. Reproduced with permission.

The Angel of Waterloo is set 200 years ago, but it contains so much of my life, too, from hunting wild macadamias and bunya nuts as a kid, to the wild plants I still use today. As in so many of my books, its characters are inspired by my extremely diverse ancestors. The descendants of Waterloo veterans turned into colonial administrators and married descendants of convicts who, like Mrs Cook of The Angel of Waterloo, had carefully created new, respectable identities in Australia.

I loved those stories as a child. But the tales I loved best, as Grandma showed me where and when to find the fish for our dinner – just as so many generations of my family’s grandmothers had passed on that knowledge to their granddaughters – were those of laughter, friendship and discovery as the wisdom of two cultures merged.

Just possibly, two centuries later, we may be reaching towards that goal again.

The Angel of Waterloo by Jackie French, published by HarperCollins Australia, is out now. Don’t forget to check out our Book of the Month, Rachael Johns’ Flying The Nest. Head to and enter code FLYING at checkout to receive 30% off the RRP of $32.99. And tell us w hat’s on your reading list at the Sunday Book Club group on Facebook.

Originally published as How the battle of Waterloo wounded Australian society

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