
Christina Sweeney-Baird: I wrote about a deadly global virus. Then coronavirus hit

Christina Sweeney-Baird had just written a novel about a deadly pandemic sweeping the globe — then things became very real.

End of men … Christina Sweeney-Baird imagined a virus must be battled by women, just before the world was hit by a more indiscriminate killer.
End of men … Christina Sweeney-Baird imagined a virus must be battled by women, just before the world was hit by a more indiscriminate killer.

I still have the emails my literary agent sent to me throughout January 2020 with news articles about a virus in Wuhan, China. ‘So weird!’ I replied. She was about to send my debut novel, The End of Men, out to publishers and coronavirus still had that faraway, distant air of a news story in a foreign place you don’t imagine will ever affect you. My publishers bought the book in early February 2020 and, as we all know, by March the world was a different place.

I starting writing The End of Men in September 2018 after I had the idea for a novel that explored the question, ‘What would the world look like without men?’. What would it feel like for women trying to keep their husbands, sons, brothers and friends safe? How would the world keep functioning if 90 per cent of men died? What would change? What would stay the same?

Pandemic world … The End of Men author Christina Sweeney Baird. Photo: Sophie Davidson
Pandemic world … The End of Men author Christina Sweeney Baird. Photo: Sophie Davidson

In the course of researching pandemics while writing, I was struck by the language virologists and epidemiologists used when referring to pandemics. ‘Inevitable’ was a word that came up an alarming amount. And yet, I didn’t think a pandemic would actually happen. I certainly didn’t imagine that the novel I was writing – in which I wrote in 2018 that the virus was started by a pangolin, no less – would be published into a world in the grips of a real-life pandemic.

I’ve become used to making the Cassandra joke before anyone else can. More than one review has called me a witch (a friend bought me a ‘Witch’s Brew’ mug). On the one hand, the virus in The End of Men is very different from corona – it only affects men and it has a ninety per cent mortality rate. On the other, I’m told that I unknowingly predicted the ways in which a virus spreads quickly and unavoidably around the globe and the emotional ramifications of a pandemic.

To me, the world within The End of Men feels completely different to the ‘real’ world but it has been hugely comforting to hear some of my favourite authors describe the book as hopeful and say it has helped them process the world we’re currently living in. I never intended for my dystopian novel to be applicable to real life but in both 2021 and my fictitious world, there are real causes for hope. I am fundamentally optimistic about humanity’s ability to withstand crisis, to be resilient, to create vaccines. When I wrote about the drive for a vaccine in The End of Men, I worried it would feel unrealistic. How long would a vaccine take? I had no way of knowing – historically it had often taken decades but there was research to suggest that with sufficient resources it could take around two years. In this, and many other ways, I never expected to be gauging the distance between my fictional world and reality.

When I think about the speculative fiction that has most affected me – novels like Station Eleven by Emily St John Mandel and World War Z by Max Brooks – it’s because I’ve completely believed the world I’m reading and have felt deeply connected to the characters within it. It was so important to me that The End of Men made readers laugh and cry and feel invested in the lives of the characters it follows.

A story for our times … The End of Men by Christina Sweeney-Baird.
A story for our times … The End of Men by Christina Sweeney-Baird.

The novel is told through a series of first-person perspectives so you experience the pandemic as the characters do. There’s Amanda Maclean, a doctor from Glasgow who treats Patient Zero and tries to warn the world of the grave threat the virus poses. Catherine Lawrence is an anthropologist from London who is desperately trying to keep her son and husband safe, and tells the stories of those who have been lost and left behind. Dr Lisa Michael is a virologist from Toronto who is determined to find a cure. Whenever I’m asked about crafting speculative fiction, I say it should show you what an alternative world would look like and what it would feel like. For me, it was so important that there was a variety of perspectives, with some stories told in a journal-style, so the story would feel as real as possible. Seeing the changes in the world, the risk to men’s lives and the emotional ramifications of a pandemic through different characters’ perspectives, makes the book believable and, hopefully, more gripping.

Here in the UK we’re thankfully seeing the light at the end of the corona tunnel. But as I write my next speculative novel, I do sometimes wonder, ‘Is this going to happen in two years’ time?’

Virus town … London’s Regent Street, normally-bustling, was at times entirely deserted during Covid.
Virus town … London’s Regent Street, normally-bustling, was at times entirely deserted during Covid.

The End of Men by Christina Sweeney-Baird, published by HarperCollins Australia, is out on May 5. It is our new Book of the Month, so head to Booktopia and enter code END at checkout to receive 30% off the RRP of $29.99. And tell us which books move you at the Sunday Book Club group on Facebook.

Originally published as Christina Sweeney-Baird: I wrote about a deadly global virus. Then coronavirus hit

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