
New program to keep your kids safe from cyber bullies

Queensland school students will take part in a new program designed to stop cyber-bullying in its tracks.

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THOUSANDS of Queensland school students will take part in new programs aimed at ending cyber-bullying.

The initial rollout, costing $750,000, is backed by a partnership between the Palaszczuk Government, Dolly’s Dream and the Alannah and Madeline Foundation.

Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk said cyber-bullying was one of the gravest issues facing society today.

“Yes, the internet is a great place for students to learn and socialise,” she said.

“Sadly, however, there are so many traps and risks out there just waiting to snare and damage them.”

Students from 55 state and non-state schools will benefit from the specially targeted programs. The Premier said it was encouraging to see a large mix of state and non-state schools apply to be part of the initiative.

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Education Minister Grace Grace said the Government was committed to doing everything it could to help stop the insidious problem.

“The partnership with Dolly’s Dream and the Alannah and Madeline Foundation is a key feature of the Government’s $3.5 million ongoing commitment to implement the recommendations of the Anti- ­Cyberbullying Taskforce,” she said.

“This is just one of the ways we can reach all corners of our state and further educate our children that cyber-bullying is unacceptable, it’s hurtful and it’s dangerous.

“As part of the new initiative, an officer from the Alannah and Madeline Foundation will be located in Queensland to ensure schools receive timely support if and when they need it.

“As part of our eSmart programs, schools are able to roll out the eSmart Schools Framework, hold workshops for parents and teachers and provide digital licences for individual students.

“The value of the programs ranges from $500 to $14,000 depending on each component of the program and the number of students involved.”

Alannah and Madeline Foundation CEO Lesley Podesta welcomed the opportunity to work with more Queensland schools.

“We have to do everything we can to make sure children are safe from cyber-bullying … and to raise awareness of the potential risks of cyber-bullying,” she said.

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