
Data reveals which university graduates earn the most money

Graduates from one Queensland university are among the highest paid in the country, earning well above the median salary nine years after finishing their studies.

Where your job pays the most in Australia

Graduates from the University of Queensland are among the highest paid in the country, earning well above the median salary nine years after finishing their studies.

New statistics published by ComparED and based on data from the Australian Taxation Office tracking university students’ incomes have named UQ in the top five of the country’s universities, ranked for median salary for graduates.

UQ graduates recorded a median salary of $83,400 nine years after finishing university, more than $6000 higher than the national median on $77,100.

Queensland University of Technology and Bond University graduates recorded a median salary of $80,300, while James Cook University graduates also rated higher than the national average with a median income of $79,100.

Detailed ATO information on income outcomes one and five years after students graduate was also released, as well as breakdowns across 73 fields of study.

In the year after completing their studies, medicine ($84,000), dentistry ($78,300), teacher education ($65,600), civil engineering ($64,200) and nursing ($62,100) were among the highest paid jobs.

But longer term, engineering courses emerged as the big earners, with maritime engineering and technology ($144,000), building ($125,000), process and resource engineering ($112,200) and automotive engineering and technology ($110,300) at the top of the pack.

Education Minister Alan Tudge said the additional information would help students choose where and what they may study.

“This is a very helpful report for students to plan their futures,” he said.

Universities Australia Chief Executive Catriona Jackson said the clear benefits of obtaining a university education, both in terms of employment and income.

“From Australian Bureau of Statistics data, we already know university graduates experience better employment outcomes compared to non-graduates,” she said.

“This analysis further demonstrates how a university qualification proved to be an important safety net during periods of economic uncertainty,” Ms Jackson said.

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