
Queensland Health answers questions about state’s vaccine rollout

Queensland Health has responded to 10 questions asked by The Courier-Mail about the state’s vaccine rollout to frontline workers.

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Queensland Health has responded to 10 questions asked by The Courier-Mail about the state’s vaccine rollout to frontline workers.

Is Queensland responsible for the vaccination of frontline health workers?

Queensland Health is responsible for offering COVID-19 vaccine to frontline health care workers under Phase 1a. This includes clinicians who provide direct care to COVID-19 patients, and staff in emergency departments, intensive care units, and fever/respiratory clinics.

Phase 1a priority health workers also include Queensland Ambulance Service frontline responders, public and private aeromedical retrieval teams, and pathology staff, medical researchers and scientists working with SARS-CoV-2.

Is the Federal Government responsible for any vaccination of frontline health workers?

Under Phase 1a, the Federal Government is responsible for vaccinating residential aged care and disability care residents and workers.

Why can’t health workers who deal directly with COVID-19 patients be vaccinated first?

Like all states and territories, we are adhering to the Commonwealth’s priority rollout schedule, placing those most at risk at the front of the queue. This includes health workers who are potentially exposed to COVID-19 as part of their day-to-day work.

Why can’t you vaccinate all frontline workers all at once?

We would love to vaccinate all frontline health workers at once however we are relying on supplies from the Federal Government, which is in charge of selecting and buying the COVID-19 vaccines. The amount of vaccine the Federal Government can supply is constrained and arriving in stages, not at once, which means we must manage the rollout accordingly.

What are some of the logistical challenges you have encountered with the vaccine rollout?

Queensland is Australia’s most decentralised and diverse state and vaccinating our population is no small feat. Due to the limitations and unique challenges of the COVID-19 vaccines, including the need to use the entire vaccine batch once defrosted, opportunistic vaccinations have been undertaken with some hospital Phase 1b staff to prevent wastage. The challenges of the largest co-ordinated vaccination effort in history are not unique to Queensland. Vaccination programs of this size will encounter logistical, technical, and operational challenges.

How many phase 1A vaccinations have you given? Of those, how many are frontline health workers?

Queensland Health has administered more than 18,000 vaccine doses across the state.

How many phase 1B vaccinations have you given? And why, when phase 1A isn’t yet completed?

Question not answered.

How many doses of each vaccine do you currently have in stock?

Question not answered.

Why did the doctor develop symptoms so quickly? Is this unusual?

The onset of COVID-19 symptoms vary. The incubation period is 14 days and symptoms can appear at any time in that period.

Is it possible some of the close contacts who have tested negative will test positive in the coming days?

It is possible that close contacts who initially return negative results do test positive in the coming days. That’s why we conduct follow up testing and require people to quarantine for 14 days to ensure they’re not coming into contact with members of the public.

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