
Only 16 reasons will exempt you from $13k COVID-19 fine

There are only a handful of ways to avoid a run-in with the law, with members of the public facing penalties of up to $13,345 for ignoring coronavirus social distancing measures, as more police are put in place to carry out compliance checks. SEE THE LIST

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QUEENSLANDERS face massive fines and even jail time if caught not following coronavirus social distancing rules with just 16 excuses getting you out of a hefty fine.

Chief Health Officer Dr Jeannette Young has issued a ‘home confinement’ directive which prohibits residents from leaving their home unless they fit one of 16 categories.

It includes shopping for essential food, travelling to and from work, exercising or taking children to school or childcare.

But any other leisure activities - including recreational boating - are now banned.


Covid-19 What happened this week

The state’s police have increased the number of officers doing compliance checks to ensure residents have followed coronavirus social distancing protocol, and are now able to issue on the spot fines of $13,34.40 to individuals and $66,672.50 to businesses.

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Quarantine measures have also been strengthened with steep fines ($13,345 for individuals and $66,672.50 for businesses) for those who fail to follow quarantine directions.

New restrictions were enacted by Chief Health Officer Dr Jeanette Young on Friday which saw a limit of 10 people in a house at any time, unless they all live there.

“We need everyone to stay in their own home where possible and ensure social distancing at all times,” she said.

“Unfortunately this no longer means you can invite your friends over.”

“We understand how important social contact with friends and family is but we need to do everything we can to slow down the spread of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) and this means limiting the number of people in each household to a maximum of 10.”

Queensland has restricted gatherings, both private and public, of more than two people except members of the same household.

For visitors of Queensland a 14-day quarantine period is required except for those who travel to or from New South Wales for work.

These are the only reasonable excuses for being out

1. Obtaining food or goods or services

2. Travelling for the purposes of work

3. Travelling for the purpose of attending childcare (including picking up or dropping another person at childcare).

4. Travelling to attend school or an educational institutions if the person cannot learn from home.

5. Exercising.

6. Obtaining medical care or supplies or health supplies or fulfilling carer’s responsibilities.

7. Attending a wedding or a funeral (as per new ministerial guidelines).

8. Moving to a new place of residence (including a business relocating) or between different places of residence or inspecting a potential New Residence.

9. Providing care and assistance to a vulnerable person or emergency assistance.

10. For emergencies or compassionate reasons.

11. Attending any court of Australia or to comply with or give effect to orders of the court.

12. Accessing public services (whether provided by government, private provider or non-government organisation) including social services, employment services, domestic violence services, mental health services, or services provided to victims such as victims of crime.

13. For children who do not live in the same household as their parents, siblings, or one of their parents or siblings, to continue access/contact between parents, siblings and children.

14. For a person who is a priest, minister or member of a religious order going to a place of worship or to provide pastoral care.

15. Avoiding injury or illness or to escape risk or harm

16. Donating blood.

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