
Man’s border exemption takes 50 days for response

Queensland Health has finally responded to a man’s Border Exemption Application 54 days after he lodged the request, causing him to miss his son’s reception of a Conspicuous Service Medal as part of the Australia Day 2020 Honours List.

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A Brisbane man has called for a ‘complete overhaul’ of the border exemption process after Queensland Health took 54 days to respond to his multiple requests.

Mount Gravatt man Mark Shaw was forced to cancel his trip to see his son’s investiture ceremony after he lodged a Border Exemption Application in early August when his son was named to receive a Conspicuous Service Medal as part of the Australia Day 2020 Honours List.

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Mr Shaw and his wife had requested an exemption from hotel quarantine to spend two weeks isolating in their home after the trip to Canberra as the pair were the only residents of the house.

He said he felt “mainly angry” at not being able to be at a once-in-a-lifetime event.

“My biggest criticism is that the system of Border Exemption Application is completely broken,” he said.

“There is no accountability, transparency or appeal process.”

Mr Shaw said he escalated his request on seven occasions through the State Government COVID-19 Team and had both his State and Federal members follow up on his behalf.

He said he had written a letter directly to the Chief Health Officer and Governor of Queensland and asked for assistance.

“I understand there are currently over 20,000 people who have applied and based on my experience it will be Christmas before they get an answer.”

“To me, that is a completely unacceptable process and it needs a complete overhaul – and quickly.”

Australian Defence Force – ADF and Police at the Queensland border check point in Coolangatta. Picture: NIGEL HALLETT
Australian Defence Force – ADF and Police at the Queensland border check point in Coolangatta. Picture: NIGEL HALLETT

Due to the lack of response, the plans to watch his son’s investiture ceremony and meet the Governor-general on September 16 were cancelled.

Mr Shaw said to add insult to injury, in the past 54 days major sporting groups and movie stars had their exemption applications approved by the Chief Health Officer.

The borders were reopened between Queensland and ACT last Friday.

A Queensland Health spokesperson said while they understood health directions were strict, they were designed to protect Queensland from COVID-19.

“We receive many border and quarantine exemption requests daily and are responding to requests as quickly as possible. Urgent requests are prioritised,” they said.

“This may include, but is not limited to, exemptions for interstate people to visit family at their end of their life.”

Exemptions to quarantine were rarely granted, and usually only in exceptional circumstances.

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