
Dr Justin Coulson delivers the answers your family needs to get through COVID-19

Author and parenting expert Dr Justin Coulson offers practical advice on everything from home schooling to managing joint custody as the COVID-19 crisis deepens.

Dr Justin Coulson has the advice you need to support your family throught the COVID-19 crisis.
Dr Justin Coulson has the advice you need to support your family throught the COVID-19 crisis.

Australian families are under unprecedented pressure on every front as the coronavirus crisis spirals.

Today leading parenting expert and author Dr Justin Coulson answered readers’ questions and offered practical solutions to help them through the tough times.

Here’s a selection of his answers on topics from surviving home schooling to maintaining family relationships and managing joint custody. You can also see more responses in the comments below.

Learn more from best-selling author Justin Coulson

Q. I’ve tried to ensure my 10-year-old daughter isn’t watching all the news reports, so she doesn’t get scared about what’s happening, but I can’t keep all the changes like schooling and not being able to see her friends from her. What’s the right balance between information and protection?

A. The way we answer our children’s questions is important. And the way we should answer depends on whether they are curious, or concerned. (Or sometimes both.)

If they’re curious, we answer their questions to the extent that they want information. But remember, don’t turn on the fire hose! When someone wants a drink of water, we fill a glass. Once they have had a drink we ask “want a little more?” Same with information. We don’t grab the hose, turn it way up, and scream “Open up, here it comes!” We respond simply, and ask, “Is that helpful? Any more questions?”

And we’re sensitive too. My daughters recently asked “Will my friends die?” (Emilie, aged 5), and “What happens if you don’t have a job and can’t buy us food?” (Lilli, aged 10). Answers to these questions should be honest, but hopeful. To Emilie: “You love your friends don’t you. Let’s hope they’ll be ok”. To Lilli: “It’s really important that we have work huh? I’ll always find a way to look after you.”

Our focus in answering questions based on curiosity is to provide calm reassurance.

If they’re concerned, we answer differently. In fact, I did that a bit in my response to Emilie (above). We don’t have to actually give them an answer. They just need to know they’ve been heard. They’re not asking that we hear their words. They’re asking us to hear their heart.

So we say “You are worried about x, aren’t you?” We focus on naming their emotions, which helps them tame their emotions. Then we offer gentle reassurance by saying “Me too. Let’s help each other make sure it’s ok.” Or “I know. We really want to be sure that things will work out.”

Our goal is not to lie, offer false hope, or say it’s ok. It’s to say “I get it. You’re worried. I’m here for you.”

Q. What would be your advice for separated parents in these situations that have shared custody (ie 50/50)? How can we keep our kids safe if they keep going from house to house when all of these new restrictions are place? I for one am in this position.

A. Some thoughts that may be helpful:

1. Communication between households has to be calm, kind, respectful, and focused on safety

2. Everyone, as much as possible, needs to be on the same page. And that page will, ideally, be in harmony with the advice coming from the government.

3. Kids should see us working selflessly and transparently to make sure that the rules are as consistent as possible in each home. That means that both homes need to have all people creating appropriate physical distance, staying away from social gatherings, or not going out except for the reasons outlined by the Government.

4. If someone in one of the homes cannot commit to maintaining these guidelines or there are concerns that safety cannot be guaranteed, then frank but constructive conversations should take place, and mature decisions should be made around custody. For example, if someone MUST go to work each day and come into contact with others (as, let’s say a teacher or health worker), perhaps the two families can agree that for the short term, custody arrangements might need to change. Selflessness and the welfare of both families must be the priority.

5. If there is an impasse, I recommend calling in a professional mediator. It might be expensive, but it could save lives.

Q. The novelty of being at home is wearing off for my kids now and I’m finding it harder to keep them focussed on their daily school work. Things are difficult enough without constantly nagging them, so what do I do?

A. It’s fun at first, but for many it can become tiring - and fast. Three quick, simple suggestions:

1. Lower expectations.

2. Set a minimum and stick with that. Don’t push them to do more.

3. Focus on other activities and opportunities to learn.

The reality is that unless your children are in their most senior years of school, whatever they miss from an education point of view this year will have limited impact (if any) on their life outcomes. Take the pressure off.

Focus on daily reading. Encourage lots of fun breaks as a distraction.

And choose just a handful of things that must be done every day. Establish a loose, flexible routine, and work around that.

Beyond that, teach them cooking. Teach them about how to change a car tyre. Mow lawns and weed. Be as active as circumstances allow. I’ll make the suggestion again: Take the pressure off.

Q. I have a happy family but having everyone at home and trying to manage work, schooling and the need to isolate is testing all of us. How do we make sure that relationships don’t suffer if this goes on for months? I’ve already noticed more friction between my boys who share a room and obviously aren’t able to have time apart with their own groups of friends.

A. It’s tricky, and for many families the balance between work, intrusions on space, privacy, and the potential long-term nature of this are really challenging.

A few quick ideas to get you started:

1. Have a family meeting each week (let’s say each Sunday arvo, or perhaps on Monday night). Talk about the following three things:

a. What went well last week?

b. What didn’t?

c. What should we focus on this week?

The meeting shouldn’t be longer than 20 minutes or the kids will go nuts. Keep it quick. Make notes. Stay focused.

Build your focus for the week around that. Make sure they understand that if you’re working, they can’t interrupt. But make sure you take plenty of breaks to check in. We want to have LOTS of contact, check-ins, and connection touch points throughout the day.

Keep them focused on a few basic things each day: connecting with friends online, being active, learning something, having some quiet/mindful time (perhaps with an app to help), and doing one thing helpful for someone else each day.

Q. What do you think the long-term impact of this crisis will be? I’d like to think we’ll value relationships more and be a kinder society.

A. My guess is that this crisis will reveal what other crises have revealed: under pressure, most people will rise to the occasion. Connections to others will increase. Barriers will break down. We will be more willing to give, help, serve, and make a difference in others’ lives.

But ... there will be some who will pursue selfish ends (toilet paper anyone?), selfishly ignore guidelines, think they’re above it all, or try to manipulate the circumstances for their own gain.

Research into the way that the world has operated after previous crises (well developed in a remarkable book titled A Paradise Built in Hell by Rebecca Solnit) shows that while we cannot stop a few bad apples from making life ugly, most of us will value relationships, connect with what matters most to them and others, and work to lighten the burdens of others. That’s what humans do. It’s not a uniquely Aussie way to be. It’s something inside all of us. We (as a collective) tend to shine in moments that could easily be our worst. I think this crisis, for all of the drama, devastation, and trouble, may lead to tremendously positive outcomes for our society and the world as a whole. And that should give us all hope.

Q. The people I’m most worried about is my parents - they are older so more at risk and the lack of contact with their grandchildren is really hitting them hard. We used to visit almost every day. How can I make sure that they get through this ok?

A. A couple of critical things must happen for our older family members. The central one is this: regular connection touchpoints. It obviously cannot be physical touch, but phone calls, Facetime or Skype, and even old-fashioned snail mail will all help. Research clearly tells us that one of the most important things for wellbeing is connection - and the research also shows that it doesn’t matter how those connections occur. Phone and other tech are going to boost wellbeing even if in-person contact is unavailable.

Rally the family, ensure that the elderly people in your family are receiving extra attention daily - or more.

Originally published as Dr Justin Coulson delivers the answers your family needs to get through COVID-19

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