
The Active CEO Dean Clyke spills the beans on what modelling taught him about business

IT’S tough being ridiculously good looking. Model-turned CEO Dean Clyke spills the beans on what the fashion industry can teach you about your career.

“Moisture is the essence of wetness, and wetness is the essence of beauty,” Derek Zoolander works it.
“Moisture is the essence of wetness, and wetness is the essence of beauty,” Derek Zoolander works it.

“I’M pretty sure there’s a lot more to life than being really, really, ridiculously good looking. And I plan on finding out what that is,” said Derek Zoolander in the 2001 hit movie.

As models sashay down the runway at Sydney Fashion Week, one man knows this feeling better than most.

Dean Clyke worked as one of Australia’s hottest male models for more than seven years, shooting campaigns for major brands such as David Jones with the Megan Gale and Miranda Kerr.

News_Image_File: Dean Clyke in a tough day on the job.

He’s since turned founder and CEO of online retail site The Active, which provides daily deals on sporting goods. But despite the fun to be had modelling, he said it has more in common with business than meets the eye.

In light of Sydney fashion week, here are his top tips for entrepreneurs gleaned from one of the world’s most fascinating industries.

Cultivate your brand

In a world where image is everything, it’s not enough to just have the right body, skin, face and hair, you need to cultivate a brand for yourself.

Mr Clyke said the worst thing about modelling was the huge amounts of “wasted time” behind the scenes. He used this to study business and eventually create his own company but said in both industries, branding is crucial.

News_Image_File: Zoolander: A “male model’s life is a precious, precious commodity.”

“In business, brand image is just as important. Branding is the visual voice of your company, and it needs to be polished, attract customers and really speak to them.”

He said this is something Miranda Kerr has done successfully with her organic skincare range Kora Organics.

“She has stayed true to herself with the health and the organics reflecting her brand. She’s not selling something she’s not.”

News_Image_File: Miranda Kerr has worked hard at creating a brand for herself. Pictured in Tokyo.

Embrace feedback

It takes a tough skin to survive an industry where you’re often told you’re too short, tall, fat, ugly, thin or have the wrong bone structure. But Mr Clyke said embracing feedback is a good lesson all entrepreneurs can benefit from.

“You get to hear it all, and it’s easy to get deflated and lose your confidence. However, you need to realise the feedback is not personal — you are just not the right fit for the role — and you have to be able to differentiate when the feedback is constructive, and take it on-board.”

The same goes for budding entrepreneurs. “If you’re not listening to what your customers are saying about your product, your arrogance will come and bite you one day.”

News_Image_File: Dean Clyke working his magic.

Confidence is king

Strutting into a room filled with beautiful people or holding your own in a photo shoot takes a huge amount of confidence Mr Clyke said. The only thing that’s going to set you apart from other beautiful people is believing in yourself.

“In the business world, you have to believe in yourself, your brand and your products. If you don’t, neither customers nor potential business investors will.”

Confidence also inspires staff and helps you gain respect as a leader. “If you’re insecure and second-guess yourself all the time, nothing will get done and your employees will lose respect for you.”

News_Image_File: Dean Clyke said being vegetarian helped him keep in shape for his job.

Spruik yourself

Going to castings, meeting the right people and working your connections are crucial in modelling, just like in the business world.

Mr Clyke moved to Australia from Canada and said his unique look and failure to buy into the ‘tall poppy syndrome’ have been a distinct advantage for him.

News_Image_File: Dean Clyke said getting told you’re too short, tall, fat, thin is tough but makes for good preparation for the business world. Evolve constantly

While modelling certainly involves getting paid a fortune for what seems like easy work, Mr Clyke said it’s crucial to evolve and keep things fresh.

“One day, you might be working for a high-end glossy magazine wearing haute couture, the next day you might be doing catalogue work in daggy tracks,” he said.

“In order to be ahead of the curve, you have to be receptive to changes in the industry and technology in order to your business to survive and succeed.”

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