
Simple ways to stop procrastinating

YOU’VE got a to-do list a mile long ... once you get a coffee. Here are the simple tricks to stop yourself procrastinating.

I’ll tackle those spreadsheets as soon as I’ve sat with my head in my hands for 45 minute
I’ll tackle those spreadsheets as soon as I’ve sat with my head in my hands for 45 minute

ARE you putting off something you really don’t want to do?

You’re not alone. Procrastination happens to all of us, but it may be zapping away your productivity.

“Often people procrastinate because they want to avoid doing something that may bring up unpleasant thoughts or feelings for them,” said Suzie Plush, a psychologist and career expert based in Sydney.

“It may be a task that’s quite challenging or might be a task that’s quite boring, and we want to avoid doing that because it can cause us discomfort when we think about doing that task, or we have a lot of negativity about doing that task.”

But procrastination can be overcome by tapping into your self-awareness and working out why you’re procrastinating.

Talking to yourself

Self-talk is the voice inside your head that shapes the way you feel about yourself. When the self-talk is positive, you feel good about the events occurring in your life.

But when the self-talk is negative it not only hinders your self-esteem and self-confidence, but your productivity as well.

When procrastination is taking over, take note of your self-talk. Overcome negative thoughts by saying these five positive self-talk statements to yourself.

I’ll get right on to that ... after I check Facebook.
I’ll get right on to that ... after I check Facebook.

“I’m going to make use of the time I still have.”

Have you ever told yourself: “I’ve wasted one hour already. I’ll never get this done now”?

Responding in this negative way actually decreases your chance of completing the task. According to sociologist Robert K. Murton, having this attitude leads to a “self-fulfilling prophecy.” So if you think you don’t have enough time, you won’t use the remaining time to the best of your abilities.

The key lies in forgiving yourself. In 2010 research published in the Personality and Individual Differences Journal, students procrastination levels were analysed in their preparation for two consecutive midterm exams. When the students forgave themselves for procrastinating before the first exam, their negative emotions were reduced and subsequent procrastination decreased.

“It’s just about getting started.”

Ms Plush said it’s best to start small. Give yourself one hour to complete a task, then spend 10 minutes working on it.

“By the time you’re ten minutes in, usually the dread and the negativity is less intense and you’re more engaged in the task, and you naturally will spend longer on that task.”

Don’t strive for perfection either. Research conducted at York University in 2012 found undergraduate and graduate students who feel others expect them to be perfect suffer from psychological distress and performance avoidance, leading to an increased chance of procrastination.

Done is better than perfect when it comes to work.
Done is better than perfect when it comes to work.

“If I work now, I can play sooner.”

Studies have consistently shown using rewards as tools for reinforcing resourceful behaviours help motivate people to complete a task.

“Procrastination is so powerful because we avoid the discomfort of doing the thing that we don’t want to do. And we seek the pleasure in doing other things,” Ms Plush said.

“If you can program yourself to go, ‘I’m going to sit with the discomfort of doing this thing, then I can reward myself at the end’, it does increase motivation.”

“I know how important this is to me.”

Social media is a common distraction these days. The 2013 Yellow Social Media Report confirmed more than three in five Australian internet users now use social media, with almost 50 per cent of users logging on daily and some more than five times a day.

Ms Plush said if sites like Facebook are the reason you’re procrastinating, ask yourself this: “If I continue to look at Facebook, is that actually going to help me achieve my goals?”

You also need to have a think about why you’re completing the task in the first place.

Ms Plush said “If you can figure out the why and use your values to guide you to do that task, then you’re more likely to engage in that task.”

“The person in control of my actions is me.”

By reminding yourself that you’re in control, you’re placing the future within your hands. But at the same time, you are also giving yourself a chance to reap the rewards too.

Take personal responsibility for your future and have the strength to keep pushing on. Make the conscious decision to put the procrastination behind you.

Thuy Yau is a freelance writer whose passion lies in personal development. Follow Thuy on Twitter, join her on Facebook, or read her motivational blog at Inside a Mother’s Mind.

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