
One in 10 people has been to work feeling after-effects of drugs

ALMOST one in 10 Australian workers has been to work still feeling the effects of drug use, according to a new poll - and it’s taking a heavy toll on productivity.

SLEEPY WORKER .. Young businessman asleep on desk in office
SLEEPY WORKER .. Young businessman asleep on desk in office

ALMOST one in 10 Australian workers has been to work still feeling the effects of drug use, according to a new poll.

The Australian Drug Foundation survey of 1000 workers aged 18-55 reveals the toll that illegal, synthetic and unprescribed pharmaceutical drug use is having on workplace productivity.

It found:

SEVEN per cent of workers had been under the direct influence of drugs while carrying out their workplace duties;

ALMOST 10 per cent had gone to work still feeling the effects of drug use; and

SIX per cent had taken a day off to recover from drug use.

ADF head of workplace services Phillip Collins warns that many workers and employers do not realise that weekend drug use could have a big ­impact on their ability to do their job.

He said the after-effects of weekend drug use could be just as problematic as being intoxicated on the job, with workers suffering headaches, blurred visions and extreme tiredness.

“You could take drugs on the weekend and still be feeling the effects of the drugs on the Monday and Tuesday because the drugs take a long time to get out of the system,” he said.

“We really need to start educating workers on how the effects of their recreational ­activities spill over into the workforce.”

But he cautioned against the knee-jerk reaction of mandatory drug testing, except in the mining, aviation, transport and construction industries where people use ­machinery and drive vehicles.

He said workplaces also needed to ensure they had a strong drug and alcohol policy that made clear the consequences of employees testing positive and provided education and support to workers.

The same poll also found nearly one in five people came to work hungover or under the influence of alcohol.

The ADF estimates drugs and alcohol cost businesses $6 billion a year in loss of prod­uctivity and absenteeism.

“There is only a small percentage of the population that will actually consume any form of drug; the biggest drug that is used is alcohol and that is one that should be given a lot more attention within organisations,” Mr Collins said.

Originally published as One in 10 people has been to work feeling after-effects of drugs

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