
‘You need to quit’: Young Aussie encouraging workers to ditch their jobs

A young Aussie has slammed an act Baby Boomers are known for in the workplace, saying its just not something people should be doing in 2024.

Wednesday, May 15 | Top stories | From the Newsroom

“Quit your job.”

That recommendation might seem irresponsible – particularly given the ongoing cost of living crisis – but one Aussie reckons it is the best thing she’s ever done. 

Beth Buckingham, 30, was working in marketing and earning around $100,000 when she decided the money wasn’t worth it anymore. 

The young worker, who lives in Melbourne, said quitting her secure, well-paid job was one of the toughest things she’s ever done, but also one of the best. 

“It will be one of the hardest things you’ll ever have to do. Especially if it pays well enough, and you like the people you work with,” she said.

Beth Buckingham revealed why quitting her high-paying job was a good move. Picture: TikTok/bettythebride
Beth Buckingham revealed why quitting her high-paying job was a good move. Picture: TikTok/bettythebride
She said she wishes she had left her role sooner. Picture: TikTok/bettythebride
She said she wishes she had left her role sooner. Picture: TikTok/bettythebride

In Ms Buckingham’s case, it wasn’t like she had a bad job, it just wasn’t “serving” her anymore and she felt drained and burnt out.

“I was burnt out and my mental health was suffering. I also found myself not caring about what I was doing anymore and hated that feeling and started hating myself for acting that way,” she told 

Woman reveals why you should quit your job

Ms Buckingham found herself not enjoying her daily life. She would knock off each day and not feel proud of the work she had done.

Sure, she might have started her career in a time when hustle culture was the only approach to work, but she had come to realise it wasn’t how she wanted to keep living. 

“I was also approaching 30, remembering that I used to be ambitious and excited about the idea of my career, and I wanted to have that feeling again,” she said. 

Turning 30 made her rethink her career. Picture: TikTok/bettythebride
Turning 30 made her rethink her career. Picture: TikTok/bettythebride
She's now landed a new job and is much happier. Picture: TikTok/bettythebride
She's now landed a new job and is much happier. Picture: TikTok/bettythebride

So she quit, never looking back, and calls it “one of the best things I’ve ever done”.

She’s now landed a new job and, while she’s earning less, she is also feeling better. 

“It’s definitely not a risk and a luxury everyone can take, but my new role has given me so much more fulfilment than the extra money ever did,” she said. 

The change has made her life so much better.

Just like when you discover a new fad or trend that you want everyone to know about, Ms Buckingham thinks everyone should consider quitting their jobs if they aren’t happy.

“Being happy is so much more important than any job,” she said. 

“If you’re waking up every day dreading work or telling yourself you’re just keeping an eye out during your daily LinkedIn scroll, then you need to quit your job.”

Ms Buckingham spent 6-12 months contemplating quitting and, in retrospect, she reckons that was a “stupidly long” period of time to make the decision because she was so clearly unhappy. 

“It’s just not realistic to have a long tenure at jobs anymore. You don’t need to stay in a job just because it’s comfortable, because you’ve been there a long time, or because you like the people you work with. And staying in a job you hate for the experience or development is a red flag,” she argued. 

She is encouraging others to quit their jobs. Picture: TikTok/bettythebride
She is encouraging others to quit their jobs. Picture: TikTok/bettythebride

Ms Buckingham said that we spend too much of our lives doing what we hate. 

“It’s so bloody scary pulling yourself out of what’s comfortable and quitting your job for what is essentially a risk, but it can be so rewarding too,” she said.

The 30-year-old will always be “grateful” for her previous roles but now she is in a place where she feels motivated and ambitious again.

“Even if this is just the stepping stone to something else, it’s completely brought me out of my funk, and I wished I quit sooner,” she said.

Of course, quitting your job might not be the best advice for everyone.

According to Finder’s recent research, almost 48 per cent of people could only survive off their savings for a month or less if their income dried up tomorrow.

Rebecca Pike, a money expert at Finder, said that quitting your job isn’t a bad idea, but it is good to have a “backup plan”.

“Whether it’s getting your resume sorted or your finances in order, having a game plan in place will help you while you’re on the hunt for a new job, or settling into a job,” she said.

“You might want to consider income protection as it can come in handy if your regular income is suddenly stopped due to an accident or illness and for an extended period.”

Originally published as ‘You need to quit’: Young Aussie encouraging workers to ditch their jobs

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