
600-strong trade mission to Asia to show Australia open for business

THE PM is taking seven state premiers, three billionaires, 600 business leaders on ‘the most important trade mission in living memory’.

Tony Abbott announces Asia visit

LESS than two years ago, a slimmed down and newly focused James Packer fronted a conference discussing “Australia in China’s Century” and shared a public lament.

“There is a perception, whether fair or unfair, within China that Australia is, for want of a better description, a less grateful friend than it should be,” said James Packer, the head of Crown Group, which owns a stake in casinos in Macau.

Fellow billionaire and head of Seven Group Holdings, Kerry Stokes, was similarly worried.

The decision by the Gillard Government to accept US troops stationed in Darwin had sent a hostile message to Australia’s biggest trading partner, China, said Stokes, whose interests include a company which sells Caterpillar trucks and equipment in northeast China.

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Business heavyweights spruiking Australia ... Seven Network executive chairman Kerry Stokes and Fortescue Metals Group CEO Andrew Forrest.
Business heavyweights spruiking Australia ... Seven Network executive chairman Kerry Stokes and Fortescue Metals Group CEO Andrew Forrest.

This weekend, both businessmen — along with fellow billionaire and mining magnate Andrew Forrest, whose Fortsecue Metals Group has shipped more than 27 million tonnes of iron ore to China — will join the Prime Minister on a high-level business delegation to Asia.

Designed to smooth the diplomatic waters and open doors to greater trade, it will be the biggest ever business delegation we have ever sent to the region. More than 600 Australian business people will make the trip which will include Japan, South Korea and China.

All seven state Premiers will also make the trip along with a cacophony of corporate captains including, BHP Billiton CEO Andrew Mackenzie, Orica’s Ian Smith, Westpac’s Gail Kelly, Commonwealth Bank’s Ian Narev and ANZ’s Mike Smith.


The head of the Business Council of Australia, Jennifer Westacott, says it will be the most important trade mission in living memory.

“I don’t think you can underestimate just how much of a signal it sends to our trading partners when the PM turns up with a major business delegation with extremely senior people and premiers of all our state governments,” she said.

“Nothing can send a more powerful message than this type of delegation.”

It’s not hard to see why Australia’s billionaires have China on the brain.



Part of trade mission ... Prime Minister Tony Abbott and Westpac CEO Gail Kelly.
Part of trade mission ... Prime Minister Tony Abbott and Westpac CEO Gail Kelly.

China’s demand for our mineral exports has fuelled an unprecedented rise on our living standards over the next decade.

As the mining boom winds down, Asia’s burgeoning middle classes are now seen as the next big business opportunity.

More than a billion people will join the ranks of the global middle class in the coming decade — most of them in Asia.

They’ll want more beef, milk, cheese, wine and financial services as they rise out of poverty and into prosperity.

And the businesses on Abbott’s delegation will want to sell it to them.

Says Westacott: “It is important there is a strong business contingent to make it really clear to Asian countries, in particular China, that we are open for business. We see this relationship as hugely important to Australia’s trade and investment opportunities and to our broader prosperity.”

“Need to make it clear Australia is open to business” ... Business Council CEO Jennifer Westacott.
“Need to make it clear Australia is open to business” ... Business Council CEO Jennifer Westacott.

Boosting trade is what this mission is all about. Next Tuesday, Abbott will sign a free-trade agreement with Australia’s fourth largest trading partner, South Korea — the first of what he hopes will be a trifecta of deals in the region.

By slicing tariff barriers, the Korea deal will boost trade and investment between the two countries and is expected to create 1000 extra Aussie jobs every year.

Australian beef, dairy and fruit and vegetable growers will benefit as their products become cheaper to Korean consumers.

And Australian consumers too will benefit as tariffs drop on imported Korean cars, clothing and electronic goods.

Abbott hopes to unlock these benefits from deals with Japan and China too.

But substantial progress is unlikely.

The China deal has already been nine years in the negotiating. China wants greater access for foreign direct investment into Australia — a thorny issue for the Coalition’s Nationals partners.

Securing some sort of progress on this and the Japan deal will be important if this trip is to be deemed a success.

Another test will be how Abbott handles the tense relationships between Asian nations.

Abbotts’ declaration early in his Prime Ministership that Japan was “Australia’s best friend in Asia” caused offence in both Beijing and Seoul.

Abbott may want to talk about trade, but trade and geopolitics are inseparable.

SOwhat will success from this trip look like?

First, and most obviously, Abbott must survive the trip without making any diplomatic faux pas and adding strength to all three relationships.

Second, he must securing some kind of success on trade negotiations.

“Obviously business will be looking for progress on free trade agreements,” says Westacott. Negotiations are further along in Tokyo than in Beijing, but beef exports remain a sticking point.

But ultimately, says Westacott, the success of this trip will be in the relationships forged not just at a government level, but on a business to business level.

So will the success of this trip be measured in banquets and bottles of wine consumed?

It’s a suggestion Westacott rejects.

“I don’t think it’s just a big talkfest,” she says. “It gives real momentum to those free trade deals and that’s really what opens the doors.”

“I don’t think you can put a dollar figure on it, but the benefits to Australia come from the bilateral business to business deals that flow.”

Back at home, the trip has already been a success with the business community.

“It’s certainly warmly welcomed by the business community who feel very much that they’re being taken seriously as a part of this mission,” says Westacott.

“I don’t think we have seen for a long time such a strong commitment to bring the business community to the table for this.”

Almost as important will be the “quality time” business will get to spend with the Prime Minister while abroad, she adds.

“We have been very impressed with the Prime Ministers’ commitment to this business delegation. It’s about business and government working collectively to improve Australia’s position.”

“Australia is open for business” ... Prime Minister Tony Abbott and Trade Minister Andrew Robb.
“Australia is open for business” ... Prime Minister Tony Abbott and Trade Minister Andrew Robb.

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